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Species Resource Title
Wheat wheat FLcDNA A set of Triticum aestivum-Aegilops speltoides Robertsonian translocation lines.
Wheat wheat FLcDNA Homoeologous recombination-based transfer and molecular cytogenetic mapping of a wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus resistance gene Wsm3 from Thinopyrum intermedium to wheat.
Wheat RILs Resistance to wheat yellow mosaic virus in Madsen wheat is controlled by two major complementary QTLs.
Wheat wheat deletion lines Forcing the shift of the crossover site to proximal regions in wheat chromosomes.
Rice 野生イネ:Core Rank1&Rank2 Genetic shift in local rice populations during rice breeding programs in the northern limit of rice cultivation in the world.
Wheat KU-2811 , KU-2100 , KU-2093 , KU-2826 , KU-2627 , KU-2087 , KU-2144 , KU-2159 , KU-2069 Genome-wide marker development for the wheat D genome based on single nucleotide polymorphisms identified from transcripts in the wild wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii.
Wheat FLcDNA , KOMUGI database , tplb0028l15 , AK333586 , AK332649 , tplb0048d21 , tplb0006e16 , tplb0013a02 , tplb0029f23 , tplb0014k07 , ... Development of a wheat single gene FISH map for analyzing homoeologous relationship and chromosomal rearrangements within the Triticeae.
Barley An eceriferum locus, cer-zv, is associated with a defect in cutin responsible for water retention in barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves.
Barley Structure, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of the bread wheat orthologs of the barley cleistogamy gene Cly1.
Wheat LPGKU2269 , LPGKU2088 , LPGKU2153 PCR and sequence analysis of barley chromosome 2H subjected to the gametocidal action of chromosome 2C.
Wheat KU-10042 , KU-10077 , KU-1023 , KU-10466 , KU-10490 , KU-10494 , KU-10500 , KU-10513 , KU-1071 , KU-108-2 , ... Evolution and dispersal of emmer wheat (Triticum sp.) from novel haplotypes of Ppd-1 (photoperiod response) genes and their surrounding DNA sequences.
Wheat KU-515 , KU-163 , KU-165 , KU-265 , LPGKU2269 Structure, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of the bread wheat orthologs of the barley cleistogamy gene Cly1.
Barley , Wheat cDNA , cDNA Identification of RFLP and NBS/PK profiling markers for disease resistance loci in genetic maps of oats.
INFORMATION KOMUGI New slow-rusting leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr67 and Yr46 in wheat are pleiotropic or closely linked.
INFORMATION KOMUGI Development and characterization of wheat-Ae. searsii Robertsonian translocations and a recombinant chromosome conferring resistance to stem rust.
INFORMATION KOMUGI Yr45, a new wheat gene for stripe rust resistance on the long arm of chromosome 3D.
INFORMATION Oryzabase Mapping and pyramiding of two major genes for resistance to the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens [Stål]) in the rice cultivar ADR52.
Rice CSSL Identification of Indica rice chromosome segments for the improvement of Japonica inbreds and hybrids.
Rice IL Independent evolution of a new allele of F1 pollen sterility gene S27 encoding mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 in Oryza nivara.
Rice Induced Mutation Lines Biochemical and molecular characterization of a rice glutelin allele for the GluA-1 gene.