RRC ID 33646
Author Lush ME, Piotrowski T.
Title ErbB expressing Schwann cells control lateral line progenitor cells via non-cell-autonomous regulation of Wnt/β-catenin.
Journal Elife
Abstract Proper orchestration of quiescence and activation of progenitor cells is crucial during embryonic development and adult homeostasis. We took advantage of the zebrafish sensory lateral line to define niche-progenitor interactions to understand how integration of diverse signaling pathways spatially and temporally regulates the coordination of these processes. Our previous studies demonstrated that Schwann cells play a crucial role in negatively regulating lateral line progenitor proliferation. Here we demonstrate that ErbB/Neuregulin signaling is not only required for Schwann cell migration but that it plays a continued role in postmigratory Schwann cells. ErbB expressing Schwann cells inhibit lateral line progenitor proliferation and differentiation through non-cell-autonomous inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Subsequent activation of Fgf signaling controls sensory organ differentiation, but not progenitor proliferation. In addition to the lateral line, these findings have important implications for understanding how niche-progenitor cells segregate interactions during development, and how they may go wrong in disease states. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01832.001.
Volume 3
Pages e01832
Published 2014-3-18
DOI 10.7554/eLife.01832
PMID 24642408
PMC PMC3957165
MeSH Animals Animals, Genetically Modified Cell Communication* / drug effects Cell Differentiation Cell Proliferation ErbB Receptors / antagonists & inhibitors ErbB Receptors / genetics ErbB Receptors / metabolism* Fibroblast Growth Factors / metabolism Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental Genotype Lateral Line System / cytology Lateral Line System / drug effects Lateral Line System / metabolism* Mutation Neural Stem Cells / drug effects Neural Stem Cells / metabolism* Neuregulins / metabolism Phenotype Protein Kinase Inhibitors / pharmacology Receptors, Notch / metabolism Schwann Cells / drug effects Schwann Cells / metabolism* Stem Cell Niche Time Factors Wnt Signaling Pathway* / drug effects Zebrafish / genetics Zebrafish / metabolism Zebrafish Proteins / genetics Zebrafish Proteins / metabolism* beta Catenin / genetics beta Catenin / metabolism*
IF 7.08
Times Cited 33
Zebrafish Tg(6xTcf/LefBS-miniP:d2EGFP)/isi01 HGn39D