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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC02344 Differential Expression of NF2 in Neuroepithelial Compartments Is Necessary for Mammalian Eye Development.
Mice RBRC00999 Expression of kinase-deficient MEK2 ameliorates Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease phenotypes in mice.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Identification of Prostaglandin I2 Synthase Rare Variants in Patients With Williams Syndrome and Severe Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis.
Drosophila 15862R-2 , 7626R-3 Dominant suppressor genes of p53-induced apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Human and Animal Cells HSC-2(RCB1945) , HSC-3(RCB1975) , HSC-4(RCB1902) Ladinin-1 in actin arcs of oral squamous cell carcinoma is involved in cell migration and epithelial phenotype.
DNA material PB-TAC (RDB13131) , PB-TAC-OSKM (RDB13132) , PB-TAC-OKMS (RDB13133) , PB-TAC-MKOS (RDB13134) , PB-TAC-OK+9MS (RDB13135) , PB-TAC-STEMCCA (RDB13136) , PB-TAC-EB-C5 (RDB13137) , PB-TAC-WTSI (RDB13138) KLF4 N-terminal variance modulates induced reprogramming to pluripotency.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda08213 Root Gravitropism Is Regulated by a Crosstalk between para-Aminobenzoic Acid, Ethylene, and Auxin.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Induced pluripotent stem cells established from a female patient with Xq22 deletion confirm that BEX2 escapes from X-chromosome inactivation.
Mice RBRC10246 Sensory-motor circuit is a therapeutic target for dystonia musculorum mice, a model of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy 6.
Wheat KU-8116 , KU-8120 , KU-8122 , KU-8125 , KU-8136 , KU-8139 , KU-8143 , KU-8162 , KU-8186 , KU-8201 , ... Phenotypic effects of Am genomes in nascent synthetic hexaploids derived from interspecific crosses between durum and wild einkorn wheat.
Drosophila DGRC#119172 , DGRC#119173 , DGRC#119175 Orbit, a novel microtubule-associated protein essential for mitosis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Mice RBRC02272 Emx2 underlies the development and evolution of marsupial gliding membranes.
C.elegans tm6822 , tm5697 , tm8108 , tm3823 , tm6503 Genetic characterization of C. elegans TMED genes.
Chicken / Quail WL-G Differences in innate fear behaviour in native Japanese chickens.
Human and Animal Cells PC-3(RCB2145) , NIH:OVCAR-3(RCB2135) , K562(RCB0027) , HeLa(RCB0007) , CHO-K1(RCB0285) , GEM-81(RCB1174) High-throughput mechanical phenotyping and transcriptomics of single cells.
General Microbes The phase variation between wrinkly and smooth colony phenotype affects the virulence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Human and Animal Cells YSCCC(RCB1549) , HuCCT1(RCB1960) , RBE(RCB1292) , SSP-25(RCB1292) Genomic and genetic characterization of cholangiocarcinoma identifies therapeutic targets for tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus Transcriptomic Analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Underlying the Wrinkly and Smooth Phenotypes.
GBIF Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science A global dataset on species occurrences and functional traits of Schizothoracinae fish.
Human and Animal Cells AZ521(RCB2087) , GT3TKB(RCB0885) Expression of the SRY-related HMG box protein SOX2 in human gastric carcinoma.