RRC ID 76103
Author Zaghet N, Madsen K, Rossi F, Perez DF, Amendola PG, Demharter S, Pfisterer U, Khodosevich K, Pasini D, Salcini AE.
Title Coordinated maintenance of H3K36/K27 methylation by histone demethylases preserves germ cell identity and immortality.
Journal Cell Rep
Abstract Germ cells have evolved unique mechanisms to ensure the transmission of genetically and nongenetically encoded information, whose alteration compromises germ cell immortality. Chromatin factors play fundamental roles in these mechanisms. H3K36 and H3K27 methyltransferases shape and propagate a pattern of histone methylation essential for C. elegans germ cell maintenance, but the role of respective histone demethylases remains unexplored. Here, we show that jmjd-5 regulates H3K36me2 and H3K27me3 levels, preserves germline immortality, and protects germ cell identity by controlling gene expression. The transcriptional and biological effects of jmjd-5 loss can be hindered by the removal of H3K27demethylases, indicating that H3K36/K27 demethylases act in a transcriptional framework and promote the balance between H3K36 and H3K27 methylation required for germ cell immortality. Furthermore, we find that in wild-type, but not in jmjd-5 mutants, alterations of H3K36 methylation and transcription occur at high temperature, suggesting a role for jmjd-5 in adaptation to environmental changes.
Volume 37(8)
Pages 110050
Published 2021-11-23
DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110050
PII S2211-1247(21)01536-9
PMID 34818537
PMC PMC8640224
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans / metabolism Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins / metabolism Chromatin / metabolism Germ Cells / metabolism* Histone Demethylases / metabolism* Histone-Lysine N-Methyltransferase / metabolism Histones / metabolism Jumonji Domain-Containing Histone Demethylases / metabolism Methylation
C.elegans tm3118 tm3735 tm2828 tm2966 tm3121 tm3197 tm1200