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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM13569 , JCM15300 , JCM15297 , JCM6388 , JCM15299 , JCM6387 , JCM6382 , JCM15656 , JCM6379 , JCM13390 , ... A novel DNA chromatography method to discriminate Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies and macrolide susceptibility.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Microfluidics-based in situ padlock/rolling circle amplification system for counting single DNA molecules in a cell.
Human and Animal Cells HL60(RCB0041) , MOLT-4(RCB0206) , U-937 DE-4(RCB0435) A new DNA profiling system for cell line identification for use in cell banks in Japan.
GBIF Bird specimens of Natural History Museum, Kishiwada City , Bird specimens of Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum , Bird specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum , Birds collection of Abiko City Museum of Birds , Bird specimens of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology , Bird specimens of Obihiro Centennial City Museum , Bird specimens of Kushiro City Museum , Bird Specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Japan , Vertebrate specimens of Kumamoto City Museum , Bryophytes specimens of Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum , ... Historical DNA as a tool to address key questions in avian biology and evolution: A review of methods, challenges, applications, and future directions.
DNA material pHag 3 (RDB13176) Primary structure of human preangiotensinogen deduced from the cloned cDNA sequence.
DNA material pRSP 6 , gamma PPT (RDB13175) Sequence analysis of cloned cDNA for rat substance P precursor: existence of a third substance P precursor.
DNA material pHKG 36 (RDB13170) Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs for human high molecular weight and low molecular weight prekininogens. Primary structures of two human prekininogens.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2(RCB1648) Facile assay of telomerase activity utilizing a DNA-detectable chemiluminogenic reagent.
DNA material pCMV (Hu beta) (RDB01681) Structure and expression of a cloned cDNA for mouse interferon-beta.
Human and Animal Cells Online verification of human cell line identity by STR DNA typing.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Chemiluminescence detection of telomere DNA in human cells on a membrane by using fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate-labeled primers.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Quantitative analysis of condensation/decondensation status of pDNA in the nuclear sub-domains by QD-FRET.
Human and Animal Cells Unique behavior of 2,6-bis(bromomethyl)naphthalene as a highly active organic DNA crosslinking molecule.
Human and Animal Cells Kato III(RCB2088) , MKN45(RCB1001) , CW-2(RCB0778) , PK-45P(RCB2141) Silver Nanoscale Hexagonal Column Chips for Detecting Cell-free DNA and Circulating Nucleosomes in Cancer Patients.
DNA material pHHO1 (RDB01207) Human heme oxygenase cDNA and induction of its mRNA by hemin.
DNA material pBS rcjun-1 (RDB01130) Simultaneous triple fluorescence detection of mRNA localization, nuclear DNA, and apoptosis in cultured cells using confocal scanning laser microscopy.
Prokaryotes E. coli pEX2 , pEX3 Construction of a new family of high efficiency bacterial expression vectors: identification of cDNA clones coding for human liver proteins.
DNA material p. m. IL-2R (RDB01172) Nucleotide sequence of mouse IL-2 receptor cDNA and its comparison with the human IL-2 receptor sequence.
Algae NIES-2170 Two DNA species in chloroplasts of Chlorella.
Algae NIES-2170 Nucleic acids in chloroplasts and metabolic DNA.