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Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) , WI-38(RCB0702) Plasma membrane damage limits replicative lifespan in yeast and induces premature senescence in human fibroblasts.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Lotus germ extract rejuvenates aging fibroblasts via restoration of disrupted proteostasis by the induction of autophagy.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) CXCL1 contributes to IL-6 expression in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts by CXCR2, c-Raf, MAPK, and AP-1 pathway.
Fungus/Mushroom TUFC32157 Identification of Cyclocybe erebia metabolites that affect the circadian rhythm of Eluc expression under control of Bmal1 promoter in mouse fibroblast cells
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Antcin K inhibits VEGF-dependent angiogenesis in human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts.
Human and Animal Cells Kato III(RCB2088) IL-1β derived from mixed-polarized macrophages activates fibroblasts and synergistically forms a cancer-promoting microenvironment.
Human and Animal Cells WI-38(RCB0702) Oxygen nanobubble water affects wound healing of fibroblast WI-38 cells.
DNA material , Pathogenic bacteria Genome Network Project Human cDNA clone IRAK141P09 (HGX056769) , F. nucleatum L. iners Fusobacterium infection facilitates the development of endometriosis through the phenotypic transition of endometrial fibroblasts.
C.elegans tm3410 Sphingosine 1-phosphate mediates adiponectin receptor signaling essential for lipid homeostasis and embryogenesis.
Zebrafish gSAIzGFFD164A , UAS:GFP Origin and diversification of fibroblasts from the sclerotome in zebrafish.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Protective effects of volatile components of aged garlic extract against ultraviolet B-induced apoptosis in human skin fibroblasts.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Synthesis and antimicrobial characteristics of novel biocides, 4,4'-(1,6-hexamethylenedioxydicarbonyl)bis(1-alkylpyridinium++ + iodide)s.
Human and Animal Cells HPS1090 , HPS1096 , Vero(RCB0001) Generation of two human induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from two X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients with ABCD1 mutations.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Circular RNA circ_0130438 suppresses TNF-α-induced proliferation, migration, invasion and inflammation in human fibroblast-like MH7A synoviocytes by regulating miR-130a-3p/KLF9 axis.
Mice RBRC00208 , RBRC02467 Early reactivation of clustered genes on the inactive X chromosome during somatic cell reprogramming.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) N6-methyladenosine modification of TGM2 mRNA contributes to the inhibitory activity of sarsasapogenin in rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes.
Human and Animal Cells Rat-1(RCB1830) , MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Indirect cytotoxicity evaluations of antibacterial raw silk fabric doped with calcium, copper and zinc on fibroblasts and osteoblasts.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) , 201B7(HPS0063) α-glucosyl-rutin activates immediate early genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells NIH3T3 FBXL21 regulates oscillation of the circadian clock through ubiquitination and stabilization of cryptochromes.
Human and Animal Cells OP9(RCB1124) Induction of T Cell Development In Vitro by Delta-Like (Dll)-Expressing Stromal Cells.