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Mice RBRC01828 The HOIL-1L ligase modulates immune signalling and cell death via monoubiquitination of LUBAC.
Human and Animal Cells WI-38(RCB0704) Peptide TNIIIA2 Derived from Tenascin-C Contributes to Malignant Progression in Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer via β1-Integrin Activation in Fibroblasts.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Adiponectin Promotes VEGF Expression in Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts and Induces Endothelial Progenitor Cell Angiogenesis by Inhibiting miR-106a-5p.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Apelin Promotes Endothelial Progenitor Cell Angiogenesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease via the miR-525-5p/Angiopoietin-1 Pathway.
Human and Animal Cells 585A1(HPS0354) , 648A1(HPS0360) Disease modeling of pulmonary fibrosis using human pluripotent stem cell-derived alveolar organoids.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN74(RCB1002) Interleukin-6 mediates epithelial-stromal interactions and promotes gastric tumorigenesis.
Human and Animal Cells TE-4(RCB2097) TEM1 expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts is correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells A549 Filamin B Enhances the Invasiveness of Cancer Cells into 3D Collagen Matrices.
Human and Animal Cells P19.CL6(RCB2318) The long noncoding RNA Wisper controls cardiac fibrosis and remodeling.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Oxygen and indocyanine green loaded phase-transition nanoparticle-mediated photo-sonodynamic cytotoxic effects on rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes.
Human and Animal Cells HSC-2(RCB1945) Cytotoxic Effects of Betel Quid and Areca Nut Aqueous Extracts on Mouse Fibroblast, Human Mouth-Ordinary-Epithelium 1 and Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Allograft inflammatory factor-1 in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced acute lung injury.
Human and Animal Cells NOR-P1(RCB2139) Hyaluronan stimulates pancreatic cancer cell motility.
Mice RBRC01390 Sinomenine protects bone from destruction to ameliorate arthritis via activating p62Thr269/Ser272-Keap1-Nrf2 feedback loop.
Human and Animal Cells P19.CL6(RCB1539) RRP7A links primary microcephaly to dysfunction of ribosome biogenesis, resorption of primary cilia, and neurogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells Atg5^(+/+)MEF(RCB2710) , Atg5^(-/-)MEF(RCB2711) Fbxo2 mediates clearance of damaged lysosomes and modifies neurodegeneration in the Niemann-Pick C brain.
Human and Animal Cells L929 Inhibition of receptor activity-modifying protein 1 suppresses the development of endometriosis and the formation of blood and lymphatic vessels.
Human and Animal Cells MH7A(RCB1512) Urban Particulate Matter Enhances ROS/IL-6/COX-II Production by Inhibiting MicroRNA-137 in Synovial Fibroblast of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Human and Animal Cells MRC-5(RCB0218) Periostin plays a critical role in the cell cycle in lung fibroblasts.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Morphological change of skin fibroblasts induced by UV Irradiation is involved in photoaging.