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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM 6841 , JCM 5674 Validation of the CompactDry "Nissui" YMR for Enumeration of Yeasts and Molds in a Variety of Foods: AOAC Performance Tested MethodSM 092002.
General Microbes JCM 34500 , JCM 34501 , JCM 16173 , JCM 30765 , JCM 33323 , JCM 17196 Apilactobacillus zhangqiuensis sp. nov. and Apilactobacillus xinyiensis sp. nov., isolated from the gut of honeybee (Apis mellifera).
General Microbes JCM2505 , JCM2508 , JCM2504 , JCM2506 Development of an endolysin enzyme and its cell wall-binding domain protein and their applications for biocontrol and rapid detection of Clostridium perfringens in food.
General Microbes JCM5965 Diversity and specificity of the bacterial community in Chinese horse milk cheese.
General Microbes JCM33390 , JCM32625 Lentibacillus cibarius sp. nov., isolated from kimchi, a Korean fermented food.
General Microbes JCM16169 , JCM33323 Proposal of Lactobacillus kosoi Chiou et al. 2018 as a later heterotypic synonym of Lactobacillus micheneri McFrederick et al. 2018, elevation of Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. argentoratensis to the species level as Lactobacillus argentoratensis sp. nov., and Lactobacillus zhaodongensis sp. nov., isolated from traditional Chinese pickle and the intestinal tract of a honey bee (Apis mellifera).
General Microbes JCM16448 Lactobacillus enshiensis sp. nov., a novel arsenic-resistant bacterium.
General Microbes JCM10695 , JCM12495 , JCM9890 , JCM30580 Weissella sagaensis sp. nov., isolated from traditional Chinese yogurt.
General Microbes JCM33275 , JCM33273 , JCM33272 , JCM33274 , JCM33271 Lactobacillus hegangensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus suibinensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus daqingensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus yichunensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus mulanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus achengensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus wuchangensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus gannanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus binensis sp. nov. and Lactobacillus angrenensis sp. nov., isolated from Chinese traditional pickle and yogurt.
General Microbes JCM33371 Acetobacter oryzoeni sp. nov., isolated from Korean rice wine vinegar.
General Microbes JCM1059 , JCM1096 , JCM1149 , JCM1157 Characterization of Microbiota that Influence Immunomodulatory Effects of Fermented Brassica rapa L.
General Microbes JCM1668 , JCM30699 Proteus faecis sp. nov., and Proteus cibi sp. nov., two new species isolated from food and clinical samples in China.
General Microbes JCM31109 Halorussus litoreus sp. nov., isolated from the salted brown alga Laminaria.
General Microbes JCM31938 , JCM18764 Lactobacillus yilanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus bayanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus keshanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus kedongensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus baiquanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus jidongensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus hulinensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus mishanensis sp. nov. and Lactobacillus zhongbaensis sp. nov., isolated from Chinese traditional pickle and yogurt.
General Microbes JCM19617 , JCM18665 , JCM18838 , JCM18023 Lactobacillus jixianensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus baoqingensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus jiayinensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus zhaoyuanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus lindianensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus huananensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus tangyuanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus fuyuanensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus tongjiangensis sp. nov., Lactobacillus fujinensis sp. nov. and Lactobacillus mulengensis sp. nov., isolated from Chinese traditional pickle.
General Microbes JCM21887 Vibrio zhugei sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from pickling sauce.
General Microbes JCM33205 , JCM11124 , JCM11544 , JCM11545 , JCM19602 Bacillus salacetis sp. nov., a slightly halophilic bacterium from Thai shrimp paste (Ka-pi).
General Microbes JCM12802 High-level expression and characterization of a novel aspartic protease from Talaromyces leycettanus JCM12802 and its potential application in juice clarification.
General Microbes JCM17355 Lactobacillus futsaii subsp. chongqingii subsp. nov., Isolated from a Traditional Chinese Pickle.
Pathogenic eukaryotic microorganisms 病原真菌:IFM 60348 Moniliella sojae sp. nov., a species of black yeasts isolated from Vietnamese soy paste (tuong), and reassignment of Moniliella suaveolens strains to Moniliella pyrgileucina sp. nov., Moniliella casei sp. nov. and Moniliella macrospora emend. comb. nov.