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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Distinct myocardial lineages break atrial symmetry during cardiogenesis in zebrafish.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Spatial and temporal expression of two transcriptional isoforms of Lhx3, a LIM class homeobox gene, during embryogenesis of two phylogenetically remote ascidians, Halocynthia roretzi and Ciona intestinalis.
Drosophila A novel homeobox gene mediates the Dpp signal to establish functional specificity within target cells.
Human and Animal Cells , Zebrafish CACO-2(RCB0988) , RIKEN WT Functional Investigation of a Non-coding Variant Associated with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Zebrafish: Elevated Expression of the Ladybird Homeobox Gene Causes Body Axis Deformation.
Human and Animal Cells 454E2(HPS0077) Knock-in strategy at 3'-end of Crx gene by CRISPR/Cas9 system shows the gene expression profiles during human photoreceptor differentiation.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Reporter Analyses Reveal Redundant Enhancers that Confer Robustness on Cis-Regulatory Mechanisms.
C.elegans tm2469 HTZ-1/H2A.z and MYS-1/MYST HAT act redundantly to maintain cell fates in somatic gonadal cells through repression of ceh-22 in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm4063 The Bicoid class homeodomain factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX cooperate in C. elegans embryonic progenitor cells to regulate robust development.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) , 10T1/2(RCB0247) , C2C12(RCB0987) Retinoic acid regulates commitment of undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts and adipocytes.
Human and Animal Cells P19CL6 AW551984: a novel regulator of cardiomyogenesis in pluripotent embryonic cells.
Human and Animal Cells HHUA(RCB0658) Regulation of the Mechanism of TWIST1 Transcription by BHLHE40 and BHLHE41 in Cancer Cells.
Drosophila 3725R-2 , HMS01531 , 6474R-1 , 4878R-3 , 2922R-2 , 4184R-3 , 1519R-2 , 5771R-2 , HMJ21305 , 12225R-1 , ... A large-scale in vivo RNAi screen to identify genes involved in Notch-mediated follicle cell differentiation and cell cycle switches.
Medaka cab-Tg(rag1-egfp) (TG848) , OK-Cab (MT830) Noninvasive intravital imaging of thymocyte dynamics in medaka.
Drosophila 17183R-4 , 7952R-1 , 15610R-3 , 3242R-2 , 10689R-2 , 9653R-2 , 18780R-1 , 32443R-1 , 3886R-4 , 4082R-2 , ... A transcriptional network controlling glial development in the Drosophila visual system.
Drosophila The drumstick gene acts cell-non-autonomously and triggers specification of the small intestine in the Drosophila hindgut.
Mice RBRC01071 A genome-wide analysis identifies a notch-RBP-Jκ-IL-7Rα axis that controls IL-17-producing γδ T cell homeostasis in mice.
Human and Animal Cells B6G-2(AES0003) BMP4 induction of trophoblast from mouse embryonic stem cells in defined culture conditions on laminin.
Human and Animal Cells HSC-3(RCB1975) , SAS(RCB1974) Regulation of microRNA expression by hepatocyte growth factor in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Mice RBRC00823 Bidirectional reprogramming of mouse embryonic stem cell/fibroblast hybrid cells is initiated at the heterokaryon stage.
C.elegans tm241 Specification of muscle neurotransmitter sensitivity by a Paired-like homeodomain protein in Caenorhabditis elegans.