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Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Hypoxia affects in vitro growth of newly established cell lines from patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Double-Stranded RNA Structural Elements Holding the Key to Translational Regulation in Cancer: The Case of Editing in RNA-Binding Motif Protein 8A.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Possible reversibility between epithelioid and sarcomatoid types of mesothelioma is independent of ERC/mesothelin expression.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Identification of cancer stem cell markers in human malignant mesothelioma cells.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Identification of cis- and trans-acting elements regulating calretinin expression in mesothelioma cells.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) , Hep G2(RCB1648) Adenosine deaminase inhibitor EHNA exhibits a potent anticancer effect against malignant pleural mesothelioma.
DNA material pKM2L-phIL1B (RDB05526) TAZ activation by Hippo pathway dysregulation induces cytokine gene expression and promotes mesothelial cell transformation.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) , 293T(RCB2202) Identification of mesothelioma-specific sialylated epitope recognized with monoclonal antibody SKM9-2 in a mucin-like membrane protein HEG1.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Increased sensitivity to apoptosis upon endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced activation of the unfolded protein response in chemotherapy-resistant malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) , PC-9(RCB4455) , Lu-24(RCB1771) , WA-hT(RCB2279) , MKN1(RCB1003) , OVK18(RCB1903) , VMRC-RCW(RCB1963) , A549 , HuH-7 Establishment of anti-mesothelioma monoclonal antibodies.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Cisplatin-resistant cells in malignant pleural mesothelioma cell lines show ALDH(high)CD44(+) phenotype and sphere-forming capacity.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Significance of osteopontin in the sensitivity of malignant pleural mesothelioma to pemetrexed.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) Enhanced antitumor efficacy of fiber-modified, midkine promoter-regulated oncolytic adenovirus in human malignant mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) Expression and role of GLUT-1, MCT-1, and MCT-4 in malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-4(RCB2293) SOCS-1 gene delivery cooperates with cisplatin plus pemetrexed to exhibit preclinical antitumor activity against malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) Alterations in manganese, copper, and zinc contents, and intracellular status of the metal-containing superoxide dismutase in human mesothelioma cells.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) Potential role of ferritin heavy chain in oxidative stress and apoptosis in human mesothelial and mesothelioma cells: implications for asbestos-induced oncogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells Mv.1.Lu(NBL-7)(RCB0996) Transforming growth factor beta production by spontaneous malignant mesothelioma cell lines derived from Fisher 344 rats.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Molecular cloning of a cell-surface glycoprotein that can potentially discriminate mesothelium from epithelium: its identification as vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.
Human and Animal Cells ACC-MESO-1(RCB2292) , ACC-MESO-4(RCB2292) , LC-1F(RCB0439) , EBC-1(RCB1965) , LU65(RCB1967) , Lu99(RCB1900) , PC-14(RCB0446) , A549(RCB0098) , HeLa(RCB0007) , Lu-134-A(RCB0466) , ... LRRN4 and UPK3B are markers of primary mesothelial cells.