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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC02759 Autophagy regulates spermatid differentiation via degradation of PDLIM1.
Drosophila DGRC#119181 , DGRC#119182 COPI-mediated membrane trafficking is required for cytokinesis in Drosophila male meiotic divisions.
C.elegans tm2443 , tm3433 , tm2344 , tm2816 The Caenorhabditis elegans Shugoshin regulates TAC-1 in cilia.
C.elegans tm3310 , tm4059 , tm3889 , tm3360 , tm3871 MAP9/MAPH-9 supports axonemal microtubule doublets and modulates motor movement.
Yeast Bqt4 affects relative movement between SPB and nucleolus in fission yeast.
Medaka OK-Cab (MT830) , cDNA clone , olli34h17 Ran-GTP assembles a specialized spindle structure for accurate chromosome segregation in medaka early embryos.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) Interaction between Teneurin-2 and microtubules via EB proteins provides a platform for GABAA receptor exocytosis.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Morphological Evidence for Novel Roles of Microtubules in Macrophage Phagocytosis.
Yeast Fission yeast Wee1 is required for stable kinetochore-microtubule attachment.
Drosophila DGRC119049 , DGRC119062 , DGRC119063 , DGRC119064 , DGRC119065 , DGRC119067 , DGRC119068 The endocytic pathway acts downstream of Oskar in Drosophila germ plasm assembly.
C.elegans tm2866 Female meiosis II and pronuclear fusion require the microtubule transport factor Bicaudal D.
C.elegans tm5083 Synaptic branch stability is mediated by non-enzymatic functions of MEC-17/αTAT1 and ATAT-2.
C.elegans tm5176 , tm10890 Structural model of microtubule dynamics inhibition by kinesin-4 from the crystal structure of KLP-12 -tubulin complex.
C.elegans tm1049 Genetic screens identified dual roles of microtubule-associated serine threonine kinase and CREB within a single thermosensory neuron in the regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans thermotaxis behavior.
C.elegans tm2181 Newfound features of meiotic chromosome organization that promote efficient congression and segregation in Caenorhabditis elegans oocytes.
C.elegans tm2388 Neurexin and frizzled intercept axonal transport at microtubule minus ends to control synapse formation.
C.elegans tm390 , tm14710 , tm3568 , FX30203 INPP5K and Atlastin-1 maintain the nonuniform distribution of ER-plasma membrane contacts in neurons.
C.elegans tm3737 , tm4182 , tm4910 , tm2816 , tm3433 , tm2143 , tm3100 , tm925 , tm324 CDKL kinase regulates the length of the ciliary proximal segment.
C.elegans tm2807 , tm4024 UNC-16 alters DLK-1 localization and negatively regulates actin and microtubule dynamics in Caenorhabditis elegans regenerating neurons.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00001 Analysis of formin functions during cytokinesis using specific inhibitor SMIFH2.