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Species Resource Title
Yeast GFP-Adf1:ura+ strain The F-BAR Cdc15 promotes contractile ring formation through the direct recruitment of the formin Cdc12.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) CAMDI, a novel disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1)-binding protein, is required for radial migration.
Cellular slime molds GFP-myosin II heavy chain , GFP-3Ala myosin II , GFP-E476K myosin II , GFP-lifeact , Dd-GCaMP6s , GFP-GAPA Dynamics of Myosin II Filaments during Wound Repair in Dividing Cells.
Drosophila DGRC#105845 Tissue-Scale Mechanical Coupling Reduces Morphogenetic Noise to Ensure Precision during Epithelial Folding.
Drosophila 3722R-1 Reduction of endocytic activity accelerates cell elimination during tissue remodeling of the Drosophila epidermal epithelium.
Drosophila Sqh is involved in the regulation of Ci stability in Hh signaling pathway.
Human and Animal Cells Actomyosin tension is required for correct recruitment of adherens junction components and zonula occludens formation.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Characterization of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I as a myosin II regulatory light chain kinase in vitro and in vivo.
Human and Animal Cells MRC-5 SV1 TG1(RCB0207) Transgene integration into the human AAVS1 locus enhances myosin II-dependent contractile force by reducing expression of myosin binding subunit 85.
Yeast FY12017 , FY13589 , FY13592 , FY14012 An actin-myosin-II interaction is involved in maintaining the contractile ring in fission yeast.
Drosophila DGRC#109807 , DGRC#109810 , DGRC#109814 Drosophila myosin phosphatase and its role in dorsal closure.
Cellular slime molds S00313 , S00435 Chemotaxis-mediated scission contributes to efficient cytokinesis in Dictyostelium.
Cellular slime molds S00306 , S00310 , S00553 Genetic and morphological evidence for two parallel pathways of cell-cycle-coupled cytokinesis in Dictyostelium.
DNA material CSII-EF-MCS (RDB04378) Planar polarity of multiciliated ependymal cells involves the anterior migration of basal bodies regulated by non-muscle myosin II.
Drosophila NP1522 (DGRC#112676) Left-right asymmetric morphogenesis of the anterior midgut depends on the activation of a non-muscle myosin II in Drosophila.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Enhancement of myosin II/actin turnover at the contractile ring induces slower furrowing in dividing HeLa cells.
C.elegans tm403 Myosin II regulation during C. elegans embryonic elongation: LET-502/ROCK, MRCK-1 and PAK-1, three kinases with different roles.