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Species Resource Title
Medaka TG1421 Tg(cdh2-eGFP) , TG1422 Tg(eGFP-cbx1b) , TG1423 Tg(eGFP-rab11a) , TG1424 Tg(mapre1b-Linker-3xFlag-mScarlet) , TG1425 Tg(mNeonGreen-HAtag-Linker-myosinh) , TG1426 Tg(mScarlet-pcna) Endogenous protein tagging in medaka using a simplified CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in approach.
Medaka Kiyosu (WS1177) Establishment of open-source semi-automated behavioral analysis system and quantification of the difference of sexual motivation between laboratory and wild strains.
Medaka olvas-DsRedExpress (TG1403) , FLFII (MT109) High temperature causes masculinization of genetically female medaka by elevation of cortisol.
Medaka Qurt (MT828) , T5 (MT827) , Fosmid clone (GOLWFno393_p20) , T5-Tg(avt-egfp) (TG976) Arginine vasotocin neuronal development and its projection in the adult brain of the medaka.
Medaka hi-medaka (MT835) High temperature stress response is not sexually dimorphic at the whole-body level and is dependent on androgens to induce sex reversal.
Medaka BAC (ola1-104G05) Androgen-dependent sexual dimorphism in pituitary tryptophan hydroxylase expression: relevance to sex differences in pituitary hormones.
Medaka HdrR-II1 (IB178) , d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) Threshold and spectral sensitivity of vision in medaka Oryzias latipes determined by a novel template wave matching method.
Medaka FLFII (MT109) The Effects of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on the Heart Rate of Embryonic Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Medaka OK-Cab (MT830) , d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) Starvation causes female-to-male sex reversal through lipid metabolism in the teleost fish, medaka (Olyzias latipes).
Medaka Saito (WS249) Circadian oscillation of TNF-α gene expression regulated by clock gene, BMAL1 and CLOCK1, in the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Medaka Kiyosu (WS1177) Selection for small body size favours contrasting sex-specific life histories, boldness and feeding in medaka, Oryzias latipes.
Medaka OK-Cab (MT830), d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) Sexually dimorphic role of oxytocin in medaka mate choice.
Human and Animal Cells Hepa-T1(RCB1156) Regulation of triglyceride metabolism in medaka (Oryzias latipes) hepatocytes by Neu3a sialidase.
Medaka d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) , BAC clone (ola1-180I09) , d-rR-Tg(npba-GFP)2 (TG962) Neuropeptide B mediates female sexual receptivity in medaka fish, acting in a female-specific but reversible manner.
Medaka Kiyosu (WS1177) , HdrR-II1 (IB178) , HNI-I(IB177) , HSOK (IB183) , O. sarasinorum (RS284) The untapped potential of medaka and its wild relatives.
Medaka hi-medaka (MT835) Novel method for mass producing genetically sterile fish from surrogate broodstock via spermatogonial transplantation†.
Medaka ctsk:mCherry (TG1130) , ctsk:mEGFP (TG1131) , ctsk:nlGFP (TG1132) An adult osteopetrosis model in medaka reveals the importance of osteoclast function for bone remodeling in teleost fish.
Human and Animal Cells OLHNI-2(RCB2942) A Dual Role for Melatonin in Medaka Ovulation: Ensuring Prostaglandin Synthesis and Actin Cytoskeleton Rearrangement in Follicular Cells.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Expression of Membrane Progestin Receptors (mPRs) in Granulosa Cells of Medaka Preovulatory Follicles.
Medaka O. celebensis , O. luzonensis (RS270) , O. pectoralis (RS1066) , O. mekongensis , O. profundicola (RS283) Hyperosmotic tolerance of adult fish and early embryos are determined by discrete, single loci in the genus Oryzias.