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Species Resource Title
Yeast BY27858 Conditional depletion of the RNA polymerase I subunit PAF53 reveals that it is essential for mitosis and enables identification of functional domains.
General Microbes JCM3160 Isolation, Substrate Specificity, and Subunit Characterization of the Xylanosomes Produced by Oerskovia turbata JCM 3160.
Prokaryotes E. coli Competence of Thiamin Diphosphate-Dependent Enzymes with 2'-Methoxythiamin Diphosphate Derived from Bacimethrin, a Naturally Occurring Thiamin Anti-vitamin.
Prokaryotes E. coli Mutations that Separate the Functions of the Proofreading Subunit of the Escherichia coli Replicase.
DNA material ML2 (RDB15927) , ML3 (RDB15928) , ML6 (RDB15929) , ML8 (RDB15930) , ML12 (RDB15931) , ML14 (RDB15932) , ML17 (RDB15933) , ML21 (RDB15934) , ML24 (RDB15935) , ML25 (RDB15936) , ... A rapid and robust method for selective isotope labeling of proteins.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , HeLa N-Glycosylation of integrin α5 acts as a switch for EGFR-mediated complex formation of integrin α5β1 to α6β4.
DNA material , General Microbes Genomic DNA of Methanopyrus kandleri JCM 9639T (JGD07495) The RNA-splicing endonuclease from the euryarchaeaon Methanopyrus kandleri is a heterotetramer with constrained substrate specificity.
Drosophila Subunits of the Drosophila actin-capping protein heterodimer regulate each other at multiple levels.
Drosophila pBFv-U6.2 m6A modulates neuronal functions and sex determination in Drosophila.
C.elegans tm0689 Prolyl 4-hydroxlase activity is essential for development and cuticle formation in the human infective parasitic nematode Brugia malayi.
C.elegans tm2596 Delayed pharyngeal repolarization promotes abnormal calcium buildup in aging muscle.
Human and Animal Cells HL-60(RCB3683) Successful acquisition of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody against a novel neutrophil-activating peptide, mitocryptide-1.
Prokaryotes E. coli Escherichia coli SRP, its protein subunit Ffh, and the Ffh M domain are able to selectively limit membrane protein expression when overexpressed.
DNA material S. pombe entry SpEnt26D11 (SPW010483) Crystal Structure and Functional Analyses of the Lectin Domain of Glucosidase II: Insights into Oligomannose Recognition.
Drosophila 4005R-2 Drosophila actin-Capping Protein limits JNK activation by the Src proto-oncogene.
Cellular slime molds G20256 , G02895 Conservation and divergence between cytoplasmic and muscle-specific actin capping proteins: insights from the crystal structure of cytoplasmic Cap32/34 from Dictyostelium discoideum.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda02740 Identification and characterization of AtI-2, an Arabidopsis homologue of an ancient protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) regulatory subunit.
Rice W1549 , W0025 , W1237 , W1297 , W1514 , W1564 , W0019 , W0017 , W1194 , W0023 , ... Identification and variation of glutelin alpha polypeptides in the genus Oryza assessed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and step-by-step immunodetection.
Cellular slime molds A 40.7 kDa Rpp30/Rpp1 homologue is a protein subunit of Dictyostelium discoideum RNase P holoenzyme.
General Microbes JCM9630 Functional importance of crenarchaea-specific extra-loop revealed by an X-ray structure of a heterotetrameric crenarchaeal splicing endonuclease.