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Human and Animal Cells Hep G2 3D Bioprinting of Sugar Beet Pectin through Horseradish Peroxidase-Catalyzed Cross-Linking.
Human and Animal Cells Hep G2'RCB1886) Fabrication of cell-laden microbeads and microcapsules composed of bacterial polyglucuronic acid.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Porous Silk Fibroin/Cellulose Hydrogels for Bone Tissue Engineering via a Novel Combined Process Based on Sequential Regeneration and Porogen Leaching.
Human and Animal Cells 10T1/2(RCB0247) Delivery of bFGF for Tissue Engineering by Tethering to the ECM.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Determining the Depth of Injury in Bioengineered Tissue Models of Cornea and Conjunctiva for the Prediction of All Three Ocular GHS Categories.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Osteogenic potential of rhBMP9 combined with a bovine-derived natural bone mineral scaffold compared to rhBMP2.
Human and Animal Cells 253G1(HPS0002) Supersensitive Layer-by-Layer 3D Cardiac Tissues Fabricated on a Collagen Culture Vessel Using Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Human and Animal Cells ChR2-C2C12(RCB4693) Myoblast adhesion and proliferation on biodegradable polymer films with femtosecond laser-fabricated micro through-holes.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) A novel method to align cells in a cardiac tissue-like construct fabricated by cell sheet-based tissue engineering.
Human and Animal Cells L929 Inflammation-sensitive in situ smart scaffolding for regenerative medicine.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) In situ precipitation of amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles within 3D porous collagen sponges for bone tissue engineering.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Self-hardening calcium phosphate composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Osteoblastic bone formation is induced by using nanogel-crosslinking hydrogel as novel scaffold for bone growth factor.
Human and Animal Cells L929(RCB1451) Fabricating large-scale three-dimensional constructs with living cells by processing with syringe needles.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Characterization of encapsulated cells within hyaluronic acid and alginate microcapsules produced via horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed crosslinking.
Rats F344-Il2rgem1Kyo (StrainID=978) Assembly and Function of a Bioengineered Human Liver for Transplantation Generated Solely from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Human and Animal Cells 253G1(HPS0002) Construction of 3D cardiac tissue with synchronous powerful beating using human cardiomyocytes from human iPS cells prepared by a convenient differentiation method.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Hydrogel-based magnetoelectric microenvironments for tissue stimulation.
Human and Animal Cells iPS-MEF-Ng-178B-5(APS0002) Effect of stem cell niche elasticity/ECM protein on the self-beating cardiomyocyte differentiation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells at different stages.
Human and Animal Cells C2C12(RCB0987) , PC-12(RCB0009) Directed cell migration in co-cultures by topographic curvature for heterogeneous tissue engineering.