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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish hspGFF28B , UAS:RFP Migration of neuronal precursors from the telencephalic ventricular zone into the olfactory bulb in adult zebrafish.
Zebrafish hspGGFF20A , UAS:GFP The ciliary protein Nek8/Nphp9 acts downstream of Inv/Nphp2 during pronephros morphogenesis and left-right establishment in zebrafish.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Transgenic retinoic acid sensor lines in zebrafish indicate regions of available embryonic retinoic acid.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)73A Genetically encoded system to track histone modification in vivo.
Zebrafish SAG4A Downregulation of stanniocalcin 1 is responsible for sorafenib-induced cardiotoxicity.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP , UAS:RFP β-Catenin-dependent transcription is central to Bmp-mediated formation of venous vessels.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMPHS Prenatal and acute cocaine exposure affects neural responses and habituation to visual stimuli.
Clawed frogs / Newts Xenopus tropicalis Characteristics of tissue distribution, metabolism, effects on brain catecholamines, and environmental exposure of frogs to neonicotinoid insecticides.
Zebrafish Tg(RH2-3/GFP-RH2-4/RFP-PAC)tkk009 Evidence of regional specializations in regenerated zebrafish retina.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Vegfa signals through ERK to promote angiogenesis, but not artery differentiation.
Zebrafish UAS:RFP Imaging of viral neuroinvasion in the zebrafish reveals that Sindbis and chikungunya viruses favour different entry routes.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMPHS Prenatal cocaine exposure disrupts the dopaminergic system and its postnatal responses to cocaine.
Zebrafish hspGFF3A Heat Failure Phenotypes Induced by Knockdown of DAPIT in Zebrafish: A New Insight into Mechanism of Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Spatially resolved RNA-sequencing of the embryonic heart identifies a role for Wnt/β-catenin signaling in autonomic control of heart rate.
Zebrafish HGn39D Directional selectivity of afferent neurons in zebrafish neuromasts is regulated by Emx2 in presynaptic hair cells.
C.elegans tm10423 , tm925 , tm3433 , tm3100 WDR31 displays functional redundancy with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) ELMOD and RP2 in regulating IFT complex and recruiting the BBSome to cilium.
Pathogenic bacteria JNBP_30766 V. parahaemolyticus RIMD2210633 ZntA maintains zinc and cadmium homeostasis and promotes oxidative stress resistance and virulence in Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
General Microbes The phase variation between wrinkly and smooth colony phenotype affects the virulence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Zebrafish Tg(EF1α:mAG-zGem(1/100))rw0410h Quality assurance of hematopoietic stem cells by macrophages determines stem cell clonality.
Zebrafish TgBAC(vsx2:GAL4FF) nns18Tg , Tg(UAS:ChRWR-EGFP)js3Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:GCaMP6s) nkUAShspzGCaMP6s13aTg , Tg(myl7:GAL4FF)nub38Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Had.Rh1-Flag-P2A-TagCFP, myl7:mCherry)nub39Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Had.Rh1[S186F]-Flag-P2A-TagCFP, myl7:mCherry)nub40Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Ace.UVOP-Flag-P2A-TagCFP, myl7:mCherry)nub41Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Ace.BLOP-Flag-P2A-TagCFP, myl7:mCherry)nub42Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Pxu.Rh3-Flag-P2A-TagCFP; myl7:mCherry)nub43Tg , Tg(5xUAS-hsp70l:Ast.Opn3-Flag-P2A-TagCFP, myl7:mCherry)nub44Tg , ... Optogenetic manipulation of Gq- and Gi/o-coupled receptor signaling in neurons and heart muscle cells.