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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Rice AND Resource = W0106)
Species Resource Title
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W0137 , W0180 , W0593 , W0630 , W1230 , W1236 , W1294 , W1551 , ... Identification and evolution of a diterpenoid phytoalexin oryzalactone biosynthetic gene in the genus Oryza
Rice W0106 , W1514 , W1361 , W1805 , W1527 , W1166 , W0017 , W0613 , W0008 , W0654 , ... Evolutionary alterations in gene expression and enzymatic activities of gibberellin 3-oxidase 1 in Oryza.
Rice W0106 , W0002 , W0003 , W1167 , W0008 , W0001 , W0551 , W1529 , W1345 , W0510 Functional kaurene-synthase-like diterpene synthases lacking a gamma domain are widely present in Oryza and related species.
Rice W0106 , W1943 Characterization and evolutionary analysis of ent-kaurene synthase like genes from the wild rice species Oryza rufipogon.
Rice W1943 , W0106 , W1588 , W167 , W1514 , W2112 , W1711 , W1429 Evolutionary trajectory of phytoalexin biosynthetic gene clusters in rice.
Rice , Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes W0054 , W0106 , rpd00105 Convergent Loss of Awn in Two Cultivated Rice Species Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima Is Caused by Mutations in Different Loci.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W0137 , W1551 , W1681 , W0049 , W1605 , W1169 , W1171 , W1297 , ... PCR-based INDEL markers co-dominant between Oryza sativa, japonica cultivars and closely-related wild Oryza species.
Rice W0106 , W1921 , W1943 Rapid turnover of antimicrobial-type cysteine-rich protein genes in closely related Oryza genomes.
Rice W0106 , W0574 , W1943 , W1588 , W1625 , W1413 , W0008 Molecular and Evolutionary Analysis of the Hd6 Photoperiod Sensitivity Gene Within Genus Oryza.
Rice W0106 , W0574 , W1943 , W1588 , W1625 , W1413 Comparative Analysis of Rice Genome Sequence to Understand the Molecular Basis of Genome Evolution.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W0157 , W0574 , W0593 , W0630 , W1294 , W1666 , W1715 , W1807 , ... Natural variation of the RICE FLOWERING LOCUS T 1 contributes to flowering time divergence in rice.
Rice W0106 Integration of hybridization-based markers (overgos) into physical maps for comparative and evolutionary explorations in the genus Oryza and in Sorghum.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W1294 , W1866 , W1921 , W2003 , W0630 , W1236 , W1807 , W1945 , ... Loss of function of the IAA-glucose hydrolase gene TGW6 enhances rice grain weight and increases yield.
Rice W0106 , W1514 , W1024 , W1213 , W1331 , W1805 , W0002 , W1361 , W1830 , W0017 , ... Role of transposon-derived small RNAs in the interplay between genomes and parasitic DNA in rice.
Rice W0001 , W0002 , W0003 , W0005 , W0008 , W0016 , W0017 , W0018 , W0019 , W0067(B) , ... Development of INDEL markers to discriminate all genome types rapidly in the genus Oryza.
Rice , INFORMATION W0106 , W0107 , W0108 , W0137 , W0574 , W0593 , W0610 , W0630 , W1294 , W1551 , ... Artificial selection for a green revolution gene during japonica rice domestication.
Rice W0101 , W0102 , W0103 , W0106 , W0107 , W0108 , W0120 , W0121 , W0123 , W0124 , ... A map of rice genome variation reveals the origin of cultivated rice.
Rice , INFORMATION W1943 , W0106 , Oryzabase Independent domestication of Asian rice followed by gene flow from japonica to indica.
Rice W0106 , W0107 , W0120 , W0593 , W0610 , W1294 , W1551 , W1807 , W1852 , W1866 , ... Comparative analysis of complete orthologous centromeres from two subspecies of rice reveals rapid variation of centromere organization and structure.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W1294 , W1866 , W1921 , W2003 , W1588 , W1169 , W2145 , W2199 , ... Diversity of panicle branching patterns in wild relatives of rice.