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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Rice AND Resource = W1625)
Species Resource Title
Rice W1169 , W1402 , W1514 , W1588 , W1625 Ancient Endogenous Pararetroviruses in Oryza Genomes Provide Insights into the Heterogeneity of Viral Gene Macroevolution.
Rice C0508 , W0120 , W1625 , W2199 , W1588 , W1413F1 , W1514 , W1213 , W0002 , W1480B , ... Effect of Wild and Cultivated Rice Genotypes on Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Composition.
Rice W1724 , W1945 , W1236 , W0120 , W2103 , W1230 , W1540 , W2109 , W2078 , W0600 , ... Two Tightly Linked Genes at the hsa1 Locus Cause Both F1 and F2 Hybrid Sterility in Rice.
Rice W0106 , W0574 , W1943 , W1588 , W1625 , W1413 , W0008 Molecular and Evolutionary Analysis of the Hd6 Photoperiod Sensitivity Gene Within Genus Oryza.
Rice W0106 , W0574 , W1943 , W1588 , W1625 , W1413 Comparative Analysis of Rice Genome Sequence to Understand the Molecular Basis of Genome Evolution.
Rice W0001 , W0002 , W0003 , W0005 , W0008 , W0016 , W0017 , W0018 , W0019 , W0067(B) , ... Development of INDEL markers to discriminate all genome types rapidly in the genus Oryza.
Rice W0106 , W0107 , W0120 , W0593 , W0610 , W1294 , W1551 , W1807 , W1852 , W1866 , ... Comparative analysis of complete orthologous centromeres from two subspecies of rice reveals rapid variation of centromere organization and structure.
Rice W1625 , W1635 , W1169=W1165 , W2145 , W0652 , W1588 , W1413 , W1508 , W1624 , W1514 , ... Rice interspecies hybrids show precocious or delayed developmental transitions in the endosperm without change to the rate of syncytial nuclear division.
Rice W1625 , W1962 Introgression lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.) carrying a donor genome from the wild species, O. glumaepatula Steud. and O. meridionalis Ng.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W1294 , W1866 , W1921 , W2003 , W1588 , W1169 , W2145 , W2199 , ... Diversity of panicle branching patterns in wild relatives of rice.
Rice W1958 , W1945 , W0120 , W0108 , W0106 , W1681 , W1866 , W0610 , W2003 , W1294 , ... Rice pollen hybrid incompatibility caused by reciprocal gene loss of duplicated genes.
Rice W1956 , W0630 , W1958 , W0137 , W1244 , W0106 , W0593 , W0643 , W1413 , W0625 , ... Evolutionary analysis of two plastid DNA sequences in cultivated and wild species of Oryza
Rice W0106 , W1866 , W2263 , W1236 , W1807 , W1945 , W2078 , W1294 , W2003 , W0120 , ... FON2 SPARE1 redundantly regulates floral meristem maintenance with FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER2 in rice.
Rice W2003 , W2145 , W0643 , W0652 , W1625 , W1514 , W1628 Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships in genus Oryza revealed by using highly variable regions of chloroplast DNA.
Rice C5924 , W0106 , W1945 , W0108 , W1588 , W1169=W1165 , W1625 , W1508 New SINE families from rice, OsSN, with poly(A) at the 3' ends.
Rice T0221 , T0627 , T0414 , T0868 , W0107 , W2002 , W0630 , W1551 W0120 , W0149 , W1718 , ... MITE-transposon Display Efficiently Detects Polymorphisms among the Oryza AA-genome Species
Rice W1514 , W1023 , W1323 , W1519 , W0002 , W1166 , W0017 , W0613 , W0008 , W1401 , ... Two new SINE elements, p-SINE2 and p-SINE3, from rice.
Rice W0106 , W0120 , W1294 , W1866 , W1921 , W2003 , W1625 , W1635 , W0652 , W1588 etc. Analysis of distribution and proliferation of mPing family transposons in a wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.).
Rice W1822 , W0610 , W0170 , W0106 , W1681 , W1983 , W1987 , W0630 , W1551 , W1690 , ... Phylogenetic analysis of Oryza rufipogon strains and their relations to Oryza sativa strains by insertion polymorphism of rice SINEs.
Rice W0106 , W0630 , W0120. W1945 , W1236 , W2078 , W2099 , W2109 , W2119 , W2110 , W1297 , ... Identification and characterization of Australian wild rice strains of Oryza meridionalis and Oryza rufipogon by SINE insertion polymorphism.