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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Morning Glory AND Resource = AK1)
Species Resource Title
Morning Glory AK1 , AK6 , AK7 , AK10 , AK127 , AK205 Labor- and cost-effective long-read amplicon sequencing using a plasmid analysis service: Application to transposon-inserted alleles in Japanese morning glory.
Morning Glory AK1 Genome-Wide Analysis of Aquaporins in Japanese Morning Glory (Ipomoea nil)
Morning Glory , Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes AK1 , rpc00001 The Thing Metabolome Repository family (XMRs): comparable untargeted metabolome databases for analyzing sample-specific unknown metabolites.
Morning Glory AK1 Genome-wide analysis of R2R3-MYB transcription factors in Japanese morning glory.
Morning Glory AK1 Effectiveness of Create ML in microscopy image classifications: a simple and inexpensive deep learning pipeline for non-data scientists.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK36 , AK7 , AK138 , Q1075 Recent advances in flower color variation and patterning of Japanese morning glory and petunia.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK10 , AK19 , AK23 , AK31 , AK40 , AK307 , AK311 , Q0055 , Q0114 , ... Anthocyanin mutants of Japanese and common morning glories exhibit normal proanthocyanidin accumulation in seed coats.
Morning Glory EST clones , BAC clones , AK1 , AK2 , AK4 , AK5 , AK13 , AK14 , AK16 , AK17 , ... Genome sequence and analysis of the Japanese morning glory Ipomoea nil.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK5 , AK62 , AK302 , AK311 , Q0073 , Q0531 , Q0853 , Q0854 , JMFF023O06 Spontaneous mutations of the UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase gene confers pale- and dull-colored flowers in the Japanese and common morning glories.
Morning Glory AK1 Cloning of the Flavonoid 3'-Hydroxylase Gene of Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn. (EgF3'H) and Complementation of an F3'H-deficient Mutant of Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth. by Heterologous Expression of EgF3'H
Morning Glory AK1 , AK31 , AK33 A WD40-repeat protein controls proanthocyanidin and phytomelanin pigmentation in the seed coats of the Japanese morning glory.
Morning Glory EST clones , BAC clones , AK1 , AK26 , AK28 , AK31 , AK33 , AK50 , AK60 , Q0095 , ... A chalcone isomerase-like protein enhances flavonoid production and flower pigmentation.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK31 , AK33 , AK73 , AK74 , AK75 , AK76 , EST clones Isolation of cDNAs for R2R3-MYB, bHLH and WDR transcriptional regulators and identification of c and ca mutations conferring white flowers in the Japanese morning glory.
Morning Glory AK1 , AK34 , AK35 , AK36 , AK53 , AK55 , AK66 Japanese morning glory dusky mutants displaying reddish-brown or purplish-gray flowers are deficient in a novel glycosylation enzyme for anthocyanin biosynthesis, UDP-glucose:anthocyanidin 3-O-glucoside-2''-O-glucosyltransferase, due to 4-bp insertions in the gene.
Morning Glory AK1 Characterization of a member of the AN subfamily, IAN, from Ipomoea nil.
Morning Glory AK1 Characterization of Tpn1 family in the Japanese morning glory: En/Spm-related transposable elements capturing host genes.
Morning Glory AK1 Insertion of an En/Spm-related transposable element into a floral homeotic gene DUPLICATED causes a double flower phenotype in the Japanese morning glory.