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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Silkworms AND WOS Category = ENTOMOLOGY)
Species Resource Title
Silkworms Morphological characterization and molecular mapping of an irradiation-induced Speckled mutant in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
Silkworms Positive feedback regulation of prothoracicotropic hormone secretion by ecdysteroid--a mechanism that determines the timing of metamorphosis.
Silkworms Negative regulation of juvenile hormone analog for ecdysteroidogenic enzymes.
Silkworms Loqs depends on R2D2 to localize in D2 body-like granules and functions in RNAi pathways in silkworm cells.
Silkworms p50 , T. varians , S. c. ricini A novel sucrose hydrolase from the bombycoid silkworms Bombyx mori, Trilocha varians, and Samia cynthia ricini with a substrate specificity for sucrose.
Silkworms Gene expression analysis in the larval silk gland of the eri silkworm Samia ricini.
Silkworms Construction and long term preservation of clonal transgenic silkworms using a parthenogenetic strain.
Silkworms Establishment of a specific cell death induction system in Bombyx mori by a transgene with the conserved apoptotic regulator, mouse Bcl-2-associated X protein (mouse Bax).
Silkworms p50 , l70 Isolation, purification, and identification of an important pigment, sepiapterin, from integument of the lemon mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
Silkworms Trilocha varians Identification and functional analysis of a Masculinizer orthologue in Trilocha varians (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae).
Silkworms The silkworm glutathione S-transferase gene noppera-bo is required for ecdysteroid biosynthesis and larval development.
Silkworms p50 Genome-wide microarray screening for Bombyx mori genes related to transmitting the determination outcome of whether to produce diapause or nondiapause eggs.
Silkworms p50 , o36 , o46 , bmov2p23 Molybdenum cofactor deficiency causes translucent integument, male-biased lethality, and flaccid paralysis in the silkworm Bombyx mori.
Silkworms c55 , b32 , k01 , k02 , m42 , d33 Identification of the silkworm quail gene reveals a crucial role of a receptor guanylyl cyclase in larval pigmentation.
Silkworms Samia cynthia ricini Prominent down-regulation of storage protein genes after bacterial challenge in eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini.
Silkworms d20 , d21 , l83 , k151 , n70 Positional cloning of the sex-linked giant egg (Ge) locus in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
Silkworms Cloning of cDNA encoding a Bombyx mori homolog of human oxidation resistance 1 (OXR1) protein from diapause eggs, and analyses of its expression and function.
Silkworms Paralytic peptide: an insect cytokine that mediates innate immunity.
Silkworms Middle region of FancM interacts with Mhf and Rmi1 in silkworms, a species lacking the Fanconi anaemia (FA) core complex.
Silkworms A conserved SUMOylation signaling for cell cycle control in a holocentric species Bombyx mori.