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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#119112 , DGRC#119113 , DGRC#119114 , DGRC#119115 Cloning of the Drosophila prospero gene and its expression in ganglion mother cells.
Drosophila DGRC#124205 , DGRC#126282 Large Drosophila germline piRNA clusters are evolutionarily labile and dispensable for transposon regulation.
Human and Animal Cells SCCKN(RCB0441) , SCCTF(RCB0442) , T3M-1 , HSQ-89(RCB0789) Allelic loss and reduced expression of the ING3, a candidate tumor suppressor gene at 7q31, in human head and neck cancers.
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Imbalanced autophagy causes synaptic deficits in a human model for neurodevelopmental disorders.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) , 293T(RCB2202) Multiorgan failure with abnormal receptor metabolism in mice mimicking Samd9/9L syndromes.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion causes PERK-dependent vulnerability in dopaminergic neurons.
Human and Animal Cells MKN1(RCB1003) , MKN7(RCB0999) , MKN45(RCB1001) , GCIY(RCB0555) Analysis of the fragile histidine triad gene in primary gastric carcinomas and gastric carcinoma cell lines.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP) The 16p11.2 homologs fam57ba and doc2a generate certain brain and body phenotypes.
Human and Animal Cells HGC-27(RCB0500) , MKN1(RCB1003) , MKN45(RCB1001) , MKN7(RCB0999) , MKN74(RCB1002) Analysis of the DPC4 gene in gastric carcinoma.
Prokaryotes E. coli Escherichia coli K-12 Suppressor-free Mutants Lacking Early Glycosyltransferases and Late Acyltransferases: minimal lipopolysaccharide structure and induction of envelope stress response.
Yeast BY6314(SH6314 , BY4742) Genome-wide mapping of unexplored essential regions in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome: evidence for hidden synthetic lethal combinations in a genetic interaction network.
Yeast FY21635 , FY21636 , FY21637 , FY21638 , FY21649 , FY21650 , FY21651 , FY21652 , FY21653 , FY21664 Characterization of genome-reduced fission yeast strains.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis JJS-DIn001 , JJS-DIn002 , JJS-DIn003 , JJS-DIn004 , JJS-DIn005 , JJS-DIn006 , JJS-DIn007 , JJS-DIn008 , JJS-DIn009 , JJS-DIn010 , ... Building the repertoire of dispensable chromosome regions in Bacillus subtilis entails major refinement of cognate large-scale metabolic model.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS133 Evidence for posttranscriptional regulation of synthesis of the Bacillus subtilis Gnt repressor.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS135 , MBS137 Determination of the cis sequence involved in catabolite repression of the Bacillus subtilis gnt operon; implication of a consensus sequence in catabolite repression in the genus Bacillus.
Prokaryotes E. coli pAA113M A vector for sequencing long (40-kb) DNA fragments.
Prokaryotes E. coli pSP64Delta1 Plasmids allowing transcription of cloned DNA by Salmonella typhimurium phage SP6 RNA polymerase to produce RNAs with authentic 5'-terminal sequences.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME8286 , ME8287 , ME8288 , ME8289 Transfer of the delta (argF-lac)U169 mutation between Escherichia coli strains by selection for a closely linked Tn10 insertion.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME8275 Molecular cloning and characterization of the genes (pbpA and rodA) responsible for the rod shape of Escherichia coli K-12: analysis of gene expression with transposon Tn5 mutagenesis and protein synthesis directed by constructed plasmids.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME8498 , ME8499 Physical and genetic structure of the glpK-cpxA interval of the Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome.