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DNA material B6N Mouse BAC clone (RDB07573) , B6Ng01-118J17 , B6Ng01-347A11 , B6Ng01-081M23 BET proteins are essential for the specification and maintenance of the epiblast lineage in mouse preimplantation embryos.
Drosophila A Functional Analysis of the Drosophila Gene hindsight: Evidence for Positive Regulation of EGFR Signaling.
Mice RBRC04874 Epiblast Formation by TEAD-YAP-Dependent Expression of Pluripotency Factors and Competitive Elimination of Unspecified Cells.
Cord blood stem cells for research Efficient generation of transgene-free human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by temperature-sensitive Sendai virus vectors.
Human and Animal Cells E14tg2a(AES0135) Activin A in combination with ERK1/2 MAPK pathway inhibition sustains propagation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
DNA material pCAGGS-BLRP-BirA (RDB15774) ChIP-seq analysis of genomic binding regions of five major transcription factors highlights a central role for ZIC2 in the mouse epiblast stem cell gene regulatory network.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Antagonism between β-catenin and Gata.a sequentially segregates the germ layers of ascidian embryos.
Human and Animal Cells iPS-MEF-Ng-20D-17(APS0001) , iPS-MEF-Ng-178B-5(APS0002) , iPS-MEF-Ng-492B-4(APS0004) Reconstitution of the mouse germ cell specification pathway in culture by pluripotent stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Molecular pathway and cell state responsible for dissociation-induced apoptosis in human pluripotent stem cells.