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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Histone Demethylases / genetics)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material C2C12(RCB0987) , pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) , CS-RfA-EVBsd (RDB06090) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (REB04394) LSD1 defines the fiber type-selective responsiveness to environmental stress in skeletal muscle.
Mice RBRC05065 UTX deficiency in neural stem/progenitor cells results in impaired neural development, fetal ventriculomegaly, and postnatal death.
Human and Animal Cells Lu-165(RCB1184) SMARCA4 deficient tumours are vulnerable to KDM6A/UTX and KDM6B/JMJD3 blockade.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells pENTR4-H1tetOx1 (RDB07916) , HL-60(RCB3683) LSD1 defines erythroleukemia metabolism by controlling the lineage-specific transcription factors GATA1 and C/EBPα.
Drosophila DGRC#104754 A KDM5-Prospero transcriptional axis functions during early neurodevelopment to regulate mushroom body formation.
Mice RBRC01834 UTX maintains the functional integrity of the murine hematopoietic system by globally regulating aging-associated genes.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) , 10T1/2(RCB0247) Arid5b facilitates chondrogenesis by recruiting the histone demethylase Phf2 to Sox9-regulated genes.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells CS-RfA-EVBsd (RDB06090) , pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , ATN-1(RCB1440) Targeting Excessive EZH1 and EZH2 Activities for Abnormal Histone Methylation and Transcription Network in Malignant Lymphomas.
C.elegans tm1231 Members of the H3K4 trimethylation complex regulate lifespan in a germline-dependent manner in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm2469 HTZ-1/H2A.z and MYS-1/MYST HAT act redundantly to maintain cell fates in somatic gonadal cells through repression of ceh-22 in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm3118 The H3K27 demethylase UTX-1 regulates C. elegans lifespan in a germline-independent, insulin-dependent manner.
C.elegans tm3118 Histone demethylase UTX-1 regulates C. elegans life span by targeting the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway.
C.elegans tm1231 Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1905 Transdifferentiation. Sequential histone-modifying activities determine the robustness of transdifferentiation.
Human and Animal Cells A549 , RERF-LC-AI(RCB0444) The histone demethylase PHF8 is an oncogenic protein in human non-small cell lung cancer.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) Regulation of tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) expression by lysine-specific demethylase 1 and 2 (LSD1 and LSD2).
Mice RBRC01828 New BRAF knockin mice provide a pathogenetic mechanism of developmental defects and a therapeutic approach in cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome.
C.elegans tm3136 and tm3118 The C. elegans H3K27 demethylase UTX-1 is essential for normal development, independent of its enzymatic activity.
C.elegans tm3713 A functional link between the histone demethylase PHF8 and the transcription factor ZNF711 in X-linked mental retardation.