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Species Resource Title
DNA material pCL31 (RDB19838) Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of an isotype of clytin, a calcium-binding photoprotein from the luminous hydromedusa Clytia gregarium.
DNA material Kohinoor 2.0/pcDNA3 (RDB19862) A photoswitchable fluorescent protein for hours-time-lapse and sub-second-resolved super-resolution imaging.
DNA material SPOON/pcDNA3 (RDB19863) Spontaneously Blinking Fluorescent Protein for Simple Single Laser Super-Resolution Live Cell Imaging.
DNA material SuperNova/pRSETB (RDB19866) SuperNova, a monomeric photosensitizing fluorescent protein for chromophore-assisted light inactivation.
DNA material Sirius/pcDNA3 (RDB19875) An ultramarine fluorescent protein with increased photostability and pH insensitivity.
Human and Animal Cells WI-38(RCB0702) Defective interaction between p27 and cyclin A-CDK complex in certain human cancer cell lines revealed by split YFP assay in living cells.
DNA material pMRX-IP TFEB-sfGFP (RDB18607) , pCW DNAseIIα-sfGFP-T2A-mCherry (RDB18608) Identification of a factor controlling lysosomal homeostasis using a novel lysosomal trafficking probe.
Zebrafish Tg(huC:GVP) A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters.
DNA material AG/pRSETB (RDB15228) , hmAG407/pRSETB (RDB15229) , hmAG1/pRSETB (RDB15230) , CoralHue™ Azami-Green (pAG-S1) (RDB18244) , CoralHue™ humanized monomeric Azami-Green 1 (phmAG1-MNL) (RDB18245) , CoralHue™ monomeric Azami-Green 1 (pmAG1-S1) (RDB18246) , CoralHue™ monomeric Azami-Green 1 (pmAG1-MC1) (RDB18247) , CoralHue™ monomeric Azami-Green 1 (pmAG1-MN1) (RDB18248) , CoralHue™ humanized monomeric Azami-Green 1 (phmAG1-S1) (RDB18249) , CoralHue™ humanized monomeric Azami-Green 1 (phmAG1-MC1) (RDB18250) , ... A green-emitting fluorescent protein from Galaxeidae coral and its monomeric version for use in fluorescent labeling.
DNA material Kaede/pRSETB (RDB15231) , CoralHue™ Kaede (pKaede-S1) (RDB18241) , CoralHue™ Kaede (pKaede-MC1) (RDB18242) , CoralHue™ Kaede (pKaede-MN1) (RDB18243) An optical marker based on the UV-induced green-to-red photoconversion of a fluorescent protein.
DNA material Cy11.5/pRSETB (RDB15706). Concatenation of cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins for efficient resonance energy transfer.
DNA material YC2.12/pCS2 (RDB15132) , YC3.12/pCS2 (RDB15133) , YC2.60/pRSETB (RDB15134) , YC3.60/pcDNA3 (RDB15135) , YC3.60/pRSETB (RDB15136) , YC3.60pm/pRSETB (RDB15137) , YC4.60/pRSETB (RDB15138) , cp49Venus (RDB15120) , cp145Venus (RDB15121) , cp157Venus (RDB15122) , ... Expanded dynamic range of fluorescent indicators for Ca(2+) by circularly permuted yellow fluorescent proteins.
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material 293T(RCB2202) , 201B7(HPS0063) , HeLa , ReNL/pcDNA3 (RDB19870) , OeNL/pcDNA3 (RDB19871) , YeNL/pcDNA3 (RDB19872) , GeNL/pcDNA3 (RDB19873) , CeNL/pcDNA3 (RDB19874) Five colour variants of bright luminescent protein for real-time multicolour bioimaging.
Human and Animal Cells Activation of rac and cdc42 video imaged by fluorescent resonance energy transfer-based single-molecule probes in the membrane of living cells.
Drosophila CPTI collection. , DGRC#115001 , DGRC#115002 , DGRC#115003 , DGRC#115004 , DGRC#115005 , DGRC#115006 , DGRC#115007 , DGRC#115008 , DGRC#115009 , ... Subcellular localisations of the CPTI collection of YFP-tagged proteins in Drosophila embryos.
DNA material Nano-lantern clones: pYNL-N1 (RDB13323) , pYNL-C1 (RDB13324) , pCNL-N1 (RDB13325) , pCNL-C1 (RDB13326) , pONL-N1 (RDB13327) , pONL-C1 (RDB13328) , pYNL-N1_Mito (RDB13329) , pCNL-N1_Mito (RDB13330) , pONL-N1_Mito (RDB13331) , pYNL-N1_3xNLS (RDB13332) , ... Recent progress in luminescent proteins development.
DNA material pET-His UNAG (RDB13504) A simple and highly sensitive method of measuring heme oxygenase activity.
DNA material Nano-lantern clones: pYNL-N1 (RDB13323) , pYNL-C1 (RDB13324) , pCNL-N1 (RDB13325) , pCNL-C1 (RDB13326) , pONL-N1 (RDB13327) , pONL-C1 (RDB13328) , pYNL-N1_Mito (RDB13329) , pCNL-N1_Mito (RDB13330) , pONL-N1_Mito (RDB13331) , pYNL-N1_3xNLS (RDB13332) , ... Expanded palette of Nano-lanterns for real-time multicolor luminescence imaging.
Human and Animal Cells MDCK(RCB0995) A genetically encoded Förster resonance energy transfer biosensor for two-photon excitation microscopy.
DNA material ETR103 (RDB01198) Dimerization-based homogeneous fluorosensor proteins for the detection of specific dsDNA.