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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells HuCCT1(RCB1960) , HuH-28(RCB1943) , TFK-1(RCB2537) , TKKK(RCB1907) , TGBC2TKB(RCB1130) , TGBC14TKB(RCB1186) , TGBC18TKB(RCB1169) Establishment and biological characterization of a novel cell line derived from hepatoid adenocarcinoma originated at the ampulla of Vater.
Mice RBRC05494 TNFAIP3 Deficiency Affects Monocytes, Monocytes-Derived Cells and Microglia in Mice.
Human and Animal Cells 10T1/2(RCB0247) , HUC-Fm(RCB0197) Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from normal B cells and inducing AID expression in their differentiation into hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Rats ACI/NKyo (strainID=6) The microstructure of secondary lymphoid organs that support immune cell trafficking.
Human and Animal Cells CTLL-2(RCB0637) Mechanisms of ozone-induced inhibitory effect of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid on alveolar macrophage-mediated immunosuppressive activity in rats.
Human and Animal Cells A431(RCB0202) Generation and Characterization of Rat Monoclonal Antibodies Against Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor.
Drosophila 7574R-2 , 10198R-1 , 12030R-2 , 12765R-3 Pvr expression regulators in equilibrium signal control and maintenance of Drosophila blood progenitors.
Mice RBRC00169 Integrin α9 on lymphatic endothelial cells regulates lymphocyte egress.
Human and Animal Cells CTLL-2(RCB0637) Model for evaluating cross-sensitivity of DNBS with DNCB using hapten-stimulated in vitro interleukin-2 production by murine lymph node cells.
Rats W-Tg(CAG-GFP)184Ys(strainID=525) Long-lasting donor passenger leukocytes after hepatic and intestinal transplantation in rats.