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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm2143 Wnt signaling establishes the microtubule polarity in neurons through regulation of Kinesin-13.
Algae NIES-1968 Comprehensive ultrastructure of Kipferlia bialata provides evidence for character evolution within the Fornicata (Excavata).
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pdz87435 FMT, a protein that affects mitochondrial distribution, interacts with translation-related proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Transplantation of multiciliated airway cells derived from human iPS cells using an artificial tracheal patch into rat trachea.
C.elegans tm4732 The polarity-induced force imbalance in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos is caused by asymmetric binding rates of dynein to the cortex.
C.elegans tm2905 , tm6342 , tm3502 , tm6438 , tm4762 , tm4796 , tm1087 , tm1567 , tm3116 , tm1954 Expanded genetic screening in Caenorhabditis elegans identifies new regulators and an inhibitory role for NAD+ in axon regeneration.
Zebrafish Tg(-0.5zp3b:Mmu.Mapre1-GFP) Staufen1, Kinesin1 and microtubule function in cyclin B1 mRNA transport to the animal polar cytoplasm of zebrafish oocytes.
C.elegans tm1357 , tm4830 , tm2143 , tm3737 , tm3124 , tm5775 Microtubule Organization Determines Axonal Transport Dynamics.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB3680) A regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, PPP2R5E, regulates the abundance of microtubule crosslinking factor 1.
C.elegans NA Progressive neurodegeneration in C. elegans model of tauopathy.
Human and Animal Cells MKN1(RCB1003) Monitoring the cytoskeletal EGF response in live gastric carcinoma cells.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Live cell imaging and electron microscopy reveal dynamic processes of BAF-directed nuclear envelope assembly.
Human and Animal Cells NRK(RCB0043) Possible involvement of heterotrimeric G proteins in the organization of the Golgi apparatus.
DNA material pDEST131NGFP126 (RDB13952) , pDEST132NTrAP126 (RDB13953) , pENTR4XE126 (RDB13954). Polyglutamylated Tubulin Binding Protein C1orf96/CSAP Is Involved in Microtubule Stabilization in Mitotic Spindles.
DNA material pSU207 (RDB13289) , pSU209 (RDB13290) , pSU211 (RDB13291) , pSU251 (RDB13292) , pSU463 (RDB13293) , pSU466 (RDB13294) , pSU480 (RDB13295) , pSU481 (RDB13296). A flipped ion pair at the dynein-microtubule interface is critical for dynein motility and ATPase activation.
C.elegans mec-15(tm2691) , mec-12(tm5083) , cebp-1(tm2807) RHGF-1/PDZ-RhoGEF and retrograde DLK-1 signaling drive neuronal remodeling on microtubule disassembly.
Drosophila DGRC#109613 Polarity and intracellular compartmentalization of Drosophila neurons.
Algae NIES-3377 Cell cycle-regulated, microtubule-independent organelle division in Cyanidioschyzon merolae.
Yeast Centromeric motion facilitates the mobility of interphase genomic regions in fission yeast.
Yeast FY29231(SSK61-3A) , FY29240(SMY107-3D) , FY29250(SMY77-3B) , FY29251(SMY98-1C) , FY29311(SMY49-2B) , FY29332(SKTT31-1) Microtubule-organizing center formation at telomeres induces meiotic telomere clustering.