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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat(RCB0806) Binding of oxidized Jurkat cells to THP-1 macrophages and antiband 3 IgG through sialylated poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl sugar chains.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) The oxidant role of 4-hydroxynonenal in corneal epithelium.
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) Specific accumulation of orally administered redox nanotherapeutics in the inflamed colon reducing inflammation with dose-response efficacy.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Geniposide attenuates cadmium‑induced oxidative stress injury via Nrf2 signaling in osteoblasts.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Oxidative Stress Suppresses Cellular Autophagy in Corneal Epithelium.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Allantopyrone A activates Keap1-Nrf2 pathway and protects PC12 cells from oxidative stress-induced cell death.
C.elegans tm1817 , tm4995 Mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans neuroligin-like glit-1, the apoptosis pathway and the calcium chaperone crt-1 increase dopaminergic neurodegeneration after 6-OHDA treatment.
General Microbes JCM 1163 A Lactobacillus mutant capable of accumulating long-chain polyphosphates that enhance intestinal barrier function.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Phosphoenolpyruvic acid, an intermediary metabolite of glycolysis, as a potential cytoprotectant and anti-oxidant in HeLa cells.
Human and Animal Cells IEC 6(RCB0993) Antioxidative properties of human milk and spermine are not related to expression of Hsp 70.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Osteopontin is induced by nitric oxide in RAW 264.7 cells.
Human and Animal Cells Hepatitis C virus impairs p53 via persistent overexpression of 3beta-hydroxysterol Delta24-reductase.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells pGL4-phTP53AIP1 (RDB07410) , MH7A(RCB1512) Anti-apoptotic roles for the mutant p53R248Q through suppression of p53-regulated apoptosis-inducing protein 1 in the RA-derived fibroblast-like synoviocyte cell line MH7A.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME9062(BW25113)(Keio) , JW2553-KC , JW5771-KC Translation factor LepA contributes to tellurite resistance in Escherichia coli but plays no apparent role in the fidelity of protein synthesis.
Prokaryotes E. coli JW2978-KC(yqhD) Escherichia coli YqhD exhibits aldehyde reductase activity and protects from the harmful effect of lipid peroxidation-derived aldehydes.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00008 Thioredoxin h regulates calcium dependent protein kinases in plasma membranes.
Drosophila DGRC#109841 , DGRC#109845 , DGRC#109847 The Kelch repeat protein KLHDC10 regulates oxidative stress-induced ASK1 activation by suppressing PP5.
General Microbes JCM 18229 OxyR acts as a transcriptional repressor of hydrogen peroxide-inducible antioxidant genes in Corynebacterium glutamicum R.
DNA material pGL4-phSESN2 (RDB07413) Nrf2-ARE pathway regulates induction of Sestrin-2 expression.
Drosophila 5826R-1 , 5826R-2 Involvement of Prx3, a Drosophila ortholog of the thiol-dependent peroxidase PRDX3, in age-dependent oxidative stress resistance.