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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC00445 , RBRC00886 A monolayer microfluidic device supporting mouse spermatogenesis with improved visibility.
Drosophila 1403R-1 , 4173R-1 , 4807R-1 , 9749R-3 , 4032R-2 , 10067R-2 , 7478R-2 , 5178R-1 , 4376R-1 , 8308R-3 , ... Identification of genetic networks that act in the somatic cells of the testis to mediate the developmental program of spermatogenesis.
C.elegans tm1887 , tm1716 , tm1917 C. elegans rrf-1 mutations maintain RNAi efficiency in the soma in addition to the germline.
Drosophila Electron microscopic observation of the sagittal structure of Drosophila mature sperm.
Rats F344-Bscl2m1Kyo (SKO rat) Seipin is necessary for normal brain development and spermatogenesis in addition to adipogenesis.
DNA material CMV-V5-CTNNB1(WT) (RDB13062) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(T42I) (RDB13063) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(V195E) (RDB13064) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(K233E) (RDB13065) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(C419*) (RDB13066) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(C429S) (RDB13067) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(H578Q) (RDB13068) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(V584I) (RDB13069) , CMV-V5-CTNNB1(S45A) (RDB13070) , CMV-GFP-CTNNB1(WT) (RDB13071) , ... β-CateninC429S mice exhibit sterility consequent to spatiotemporally sustained Wnt signalling in the internal genitalia.
Mice RBRC02228 β-CateninC429S mice exhibit sterility consequent to spatiotemporally sustained Wnt signalling in the internal genitalia.
Mice RBRC00886 In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal mouse testes.