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Species Resource Title
Yeast Negative regulation of APC/C activation by MAPK-mediated attenuation of Cdc20Slp1 under stress.
Mice RBRC09525 NF90-NF45 is essential for β cell compensation under obesity-inducing metabolic stress through suppression of p53 signaling pathway.
Yeast FY21311 Replication stress response in fission yeast differentially depends on maintaining proper levels of Srs2 helicase and Rrp1, Rrp2 DNA translocases.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes sja02900 , sja04400 , sja21500 , sja21600 , sja25100 , sja26400 , sja26800 , sja33200 Natural Root Cellular Variation in Responses to Osmotic Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana Accessions.
C.elegans tm3425 Saturated very long chain fatty acid configures glycosphingolipid for lysosome homeostasis in long-lived C. elegans.
C.elegans tm331 Neuronal HSF-1 coordinates the propagation of fat desaturation across tissues to enable adaptation to high temperatures in C. elegans.
Yeast FY17629 (SP556) Sequestration of the PKC ortholog Pck2 in stress granules as a feedback mechanism of MAPK signaling in fission yeast.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda05157 , pda18125 , pda01657 , pda11897 , pda00826 Generation of chimeric repressors that confer salt tolerance in Arabidopsis and rice.
Lotus / Glycine Gifu B-129 Symbiotic responses of Lotus japonicus to two isogenic lines of a mycorrhizal fungus differing in the presence/absence of an endobacterium.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00031 Regulatory functions of ROS dynamics via glutathione metabolism and glutathione peroxidase activity in developing rice zygote.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Condensin II initiates sister chromatid resolution during S phase.
Yeast FY21846 (mug14) Expression of Mug14 is regulated by the transcription factor Rst2 through the cAMP-dependent protein kinase pathway in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Drosophila D. mercatorum and D. virilis Daily increasing or decreasing photoperiod affects stress resistance and life history traits in four Drosophila species.
General Microbes JCM20922 Identification of a Unique Type of Isoflavone O-Methyltransferase, GmIOMT1, Based on Multi-Omics Analysis of Soybean under Biotic Stress.
Zebrafish Tg(atoh1a:dTomato) A model for reticular dysgenesis shows impaired sensory organ development and hair cell regeneration linked to cellular stress.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda00834 Similar Yet Different-Structural and Functional Diversity among Arabidopsis thaliana LEA_4 Proteins.
C.elegans tm745 , tm4024 , tm2457 , tm2482 , tm2927 , tm1153 , tm1344 , tm4305 , tm4136 , tm629 Alleviating chronic ER stress by p38-Ire1-Xbp1 pathway and insulin-associated autophagy in C. elegans neurons.
C.elegans tm4063 PQM-1 controls hypoxic survival via regulation of lipid metabolism.
C.elegans tm3036 Caenorhabditis elegans saposin-like spp-9 is involved in specific innate immune responses.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes psj Expression genome-wide association study identifies that phosphatidylinositol-derived signalling regulates ALUMINIUM SENSITIVE3 expression under aluminium stress in the shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana.