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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Pathogenic microorganisms AND WOS Category = MICROSCOPY)
Species Resource Title
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Smart specimen preparation for freeze substitution and serial ultrathin sectioning of yeast cells.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Ultrastructural disorder of the secretory pathway in temperature-sensitive actin mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Structome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae determined by freeze-substitution and serial ultrathin-sectioning electron microscopy.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Scanning and negative-staining electron microscopy of protoplast regeneration of a wild-type and two chitin synthase mutants in the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Ultrastructural disorder of actin mutant suggests uncoupling of actin-dependent pathway from microtubule-dependent pathway in budding yeast.
Pathogenic microorganisms Prokaryote or eukaryote? A unique microorganism from the deep sea.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Actin ring formation around the cell nucleus of long-neck yeast.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40042 , IFM 41464 A new F-actin structure in fungi: actin ring formation around the cell nucleus of Cryptococcus neoformans.
Pathogenic microorganisms C. neoformans? The spindle pole body of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans: variation in morphology and positional relationship with the nucleolus and the bud in interphase cells.
Pathogenic microorganisms E. dermatitidis(IFM 4844) Quantitative three-dimensional structural analysis of Exophiala dermatitidis yeast cells by freeze-substitution and serial ultrathin sectioning.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4833 , IFM 4844 , IFM 4847 , IFM 5808 , IFM 5844 , IFM 40042 , IFM 41482 , IFM 41824 Electron microscopy of pathogenic yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and Exophiala dermatitidis by high-pressure freezing.