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Prokaryotes E. coli ME10067 , ME10068 Genotoxicity profile of fexinidazole--a drug candidate in clinical development for human African trypanomiasis (sleeping sickness).
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Mechanisms involved in suppression of osteoclast supportive activity by transforming growth factor-β1 via the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
Human and Animal Cells KG-1(RCB1166) DNMT3A R882 mutants interact with polycomb proteins to block haematopoietic stem and leukaemic cell differentiation.
Human and Animal Cells Ca9-22(RCB1976) Substituent effects of cyclic naphthalene diimide on G-quadruplex binding and the inhibition of cancer cell growth.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Shark protein improves bone mineral density in ovariectomized rats and inhibits osteoclast differentiation.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) MKK3/6-p38 MAPK signaling is required for IL-1beta and TNF-alpha-induced RANKL expression in bone marrow stromal cells.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Effects of iguratimod on glucocorticoid-induced disorder of bone metabolism in vitro.
Human and Animal Cells MG-63(RCB1890) Thymus-expressed chemokine enhances Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS-induced osteoclast formation via NFATc1 activation.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Involvement of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway in osteoclastogenesis mediated by receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL).
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Establishment of self-renewable GM-CSF-dependent immature macrophages in vitro from murine bone marrow.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Bisphosphonate- and statin-induced enhancement of OPG expression and inhibition of CD9, M-CSF, and RANKL expressions via inhibition of the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway and activation of p38MAPK in mouse bone marrow stromal cell line ST2.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is crucial in osteoclastogenesis induced by tumor necrosis factor.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Anti-Osteoporotic Effects of Kukoamine B Isolated from Lycii Radicis Cortex Extract on Osteoblast and Osteoclast Cells and Ovariectomized Osteoporosis Model Mice.
Human and Animal Cells K562(RCB0027) , HL60 , Jurkat , RPMI8226(RCB3010) , Raji Molecular targeting of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase by FF-10501 promotes erythropoiesis via ROS/MAPK pathway.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Mangiferin positively regulates osteoblast differentiation and suppresses osteoclast differentiation.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Ameloblastin and enamelin prevent osteoclast formation by suppressing RANKL expression via MAPK signaling pathway.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) , RAW 264(RCB0535) The dectin 1 agonist curdlan regulates osteoclastogenesis by inhibiting nuclear factor of activated T cells cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1) through Syk kinase.
Human and Animal Cells StromaNKtert(RCB2350) Evaluation of bendamustine in combination with fludarabine in primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) , MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Activating transcription factor 4, an ER stress mediator, is required for, but excessive ER stress suppresses osteoblastogenesis by bortezomib.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) , ST2(RCB0224) RANKL synthesized by both stromal cells and cancer cells plays a crucial role in osteoclastic bone resorption induced by oral cancer.