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Species Resource Title
Pathogenic eukaryotic microorganisms Aspergillus fumigatus IFM62918, IFM63432, IFM64460, IFM64733 Development and validation of LAMP primer sets for rapid identification of Aspergillus fumigatus carrying the cyp51A TR46 azole resistance gene.
Human and Animal Cells Saos-2(RCB0428) , OS-RC-2(RCB0735) , Hep G2(RCB0459) Expression of bone morphogenetic proteins in human osteogenic and epithelial tumor cells.
Human and Animal Cells TCO-1(RCB0640) A new type of human calcitonin receptor isoform generated by alternative splicing.
Human and Animal Cells U251(RCB0461) , KG-1-C(RCB0270) Reduced expression of hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type-2/placental bikunin (HAI-2/PB) in human glioblastomas: implication for anti-invasive role of HAI-2/PB in glioblastoma cells.
Human and Animal Cells Kato III(RCB2088) , MKN28(RCB1000) , MKN45(RCB1001) Frequent epigenetic inactivation of secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP2) by promoter methylation in human gastric cancer.
Human and Animal Cells SCCKN(RCB0441) , SCCTF(RCB0442) , T3M-1 , HSQ-89(RCB0789) Allelic loss and reduced expression of the ING3, a candidate tumor suppressor gene at 7q31, in human head and neck cancers.
Human and Animal Cells SSP-25(RCB1293) Targeted killing of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-producing cholangiocarcinoma cells by polyamidoamine dendrimer-mediated transfer of an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-based plasmid vector carrying the CEA promoter.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) A polymerase chain reaction-based method for constructing a linear vector with site-specific DNA methylation.
Human and Animal Cells L929 , CHO High level expression of Prop-1 gene in gonadotropic cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells PC-14(RCB0446) , LC-2/ad(RCB0440) Immunohistochemical investigation of S100A9 expression in pulmonary adenocarcinoma: S100A9 expression is associated with tumor differentiation.
DNA material pCRT (RDB17479) , CRZeroT (RDB17480) , pCRZero (RDB17481) A novel series of high-efficiency vectors for TA cloning and blunt-end cloning of PCR products.
DNA material NIA 15K Mouse cDNA Clone , H3029F01 (MCH011721) , H3031E05 (MCH012501) , H3034H10 (MCH013778) , H3040F10 (MCH016130) , H3047A09 (MCH018809) , H3059F12 (MCH023732) , H3131D12 (MCH052484) , H3146E07 (MCH058503) Identification of FGF10 targets in the embryonic lung epithelium during bud morphogenesis.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda18109 Cloning-free template DNA preparation for cell-free protein synthesis via two-step PCR using versatile primer designs with short 3'-UTR.
DNA material CYPEG1 (RDB01641) Activation of anthocyanin synthesis genes by white light in eggplant hypocotyl tissues, and identification of an inducible P-450 cDNA.
DNA material plim15 (RDB01620) Characterization of cDNAs induced in meiotic prophase in lily microsporocytes.
General Microbes JCM 7674 , JCM 2529 An Improved Multiplex Real-Time SYBR Green PCR Assay for Analysis of 24 Target Genes from 16 Bacterial Species in Fecal DNA Samples from Patients with Foodborne Illnesses.
General Microbes JCM 1269 Identification and quantification of viable Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult in human faeces by using strain-specific primers and propidium monoazide.
Human and Animal Cells HCE-T(RCB2280) Evaluation of Eph receptor and ephrin expression within the human cornea and limbus.
Human and Animal Cells RBE(RCB1292) , SSP-25(RCB1293) Enhanced expression of RAD51 associating protein-1 is involved in the growth of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells.
Human and Animal Cells K562 Antitumor activity of G-quadruplex-interactive agent TMPyP4 in K562 leukemic cells.