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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#119092 , DGRC#119093 , DGRC#119096 , DGRC#119101 , DGRC#119102 , DGRC#119103 Role of cortical tumour-suppressor proteins in asymmetric division of Drosophila neuroblast.
C.elegans tm390 , tm14710 , tm3568 , FX30203 INPP5K and Atlastin-1 maintain the nonuniform distribution of ER-plasma membrane contacts in neurons.
DNA material CS-CDF-CG-PRE (RDB04379) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) Functional Analysis of Novel Candidate Regulators of Insulin Secretion in the MIN6 Mouse Pancreatic β Cell Line.
C.elegans tm3410 Membrane fluidity is regulated by the C. elegans transmembrane protein FLD-1 and its human homologs TLCD1/2.
Drosophila spict, a cyst cell-specific gene, regulates starvation-induced spermatogonial cell death in the Drosophila testis.
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pMx/ATP10A-HA (RDB20154) , pMx/ATP10B-HA (RDB20155) , pMx/ATP10D-HA (RDB20156) , pCAG/ATP10A(E203Q)-HA (RDB20168) , pCAG/ATP10B(E210Q)-HA (RDB20169) , pCAG/ATP10D(E215Q)-HA (RDB20170) , pMx/ATP10A(E203Q)-HA (RDB20180) , pMx/ATP10B(E210Q)-HA (RDB20181) , pMx/ATP10D(E215Q)-HA (RDB20182) Phospholipid Flippase ATP10A Translocates Phosphatidylcholine and Is Involved in Plasma Membrane Dynamics.
C.elegans tm892 Early experiences mediate distinct adult gene expression and reproductive programs in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS565 , MBS566 Functional relationship between SpoVIF and GerE in gene regulation during sporulation of Bacillus subtilis.
Zebrafish Tg(vsx1:EGFP) Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding.
Drosophila 5680R-2 Myc inhibits JNK-mediated cell death in vivo.
C.elegans tm698 , tm469 Engulfment of apoptotic cells in C. elegans is mediated by integrin alpha/SRC signaling.
C.elegans tm847 RAB-6.2 and the retromer regulate glutamate receptor recycling through a retrograde pathway.
C.elegans tm3357 Phagocytic receptor signaling regulates clathrin and epsin-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling during apoptotic cell engulfment in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm5255 , tm5517 , tm5460 , tm2526 Transmembrane protein OSTA-1 shapes sensory cilia morphology via regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1552 Humidity sensation requires both mechanosensory and thermosensory pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm5963 , tm3100 , tm925 TMEM231, mutated in orofaciodigital and Meckel syndromes, organizes the ciliary transition zone.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-G2/PA6(RCB1127) Stromal factors SDF1α, sFRP1, and VEGFD induce dopaminergic neuron differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells Lu-24(RCB1771) , Lu-130(RCB0465) , Lu-134-A(RCB0466) , Lu-135(RCB0468) , Lu-139(RCB0469) , Lu-140(RCB0470) , Lu-165(RCB1184) , EBC-1(RCB1965) , A549(RCB0098) , Jurkat(RCB0806) , ... Isolation and characterization of the TIGA genes, whose transcripts are induced by growth arrest.
Human and Animal Cells COS-1(RCB0143) The potential function of steroid sulphatase activity in steroid production and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression.
Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) , 293(RCB1637) Role of P2X7 receptor in Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin-mediated cellular injury.