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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells NIH-3T3 Conditional knockout of Shank3 in the ventral CA1 by quantitative in vivo genome-editing impairs social memory in mice.
Drosophila DGRC#104055 Shaping Drosophila eggs: unveiling the roles of Arpc1 and cpb in morphogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells MKN7(RCB0999) , MKN45(RCB1001) Fascin, an actin-bundling protein, modulates colonic epithelial cell invasiveness and differentiation in vitro.
Drosophila DGRC#110685 Par3 cooperates with Sanpodo for the assembly of Notch clusters following asymmetric division of Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells.
Human and Animal Cells MRC-5 , Ca9-22(RCB1976) , HSC-2(RCB1945) , HSC-3(RCB1975) , Sa3(RCB0980) , SAS(RCB1974) Molecular Pathogenesis of the Coronin Family: CORO2A Facilitates Migration and Invasion Abilities in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells G-361(RCB0991) , SK-MEL-28(RCB1930) , COLO 679(RCB0989) , HMV-II(RCB0777) Actin-binding protein, Espin: a novel metastatic regulator for melanoma.
Human and Animal Cells TE-8(RCB2098) , TE-9(RCB1988) Regulation of MMP13 by antitumor microRNA-375 markedly inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) Antxr1, Which is a Target of Runx2, Regulates Chondrocyte Proliferation and Apoptosis.
Drosophila DGRC#123365 , DGRC#125008 , DGRC#115460 The temporally controlled expression of Drongo, the fruit fly homolog of AGFG1, is achieved in female germline cells via P-bodies and its localization requires functional Rab11.
Drosophila DGRC#102398 WASH phosphorylation balances endosomal versus cortical actin network integrities during epithelial morphogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) Using human iPS cell-derived enterocytes as novel in vitro model for the evaluation of human intestinal mucosal damage.
Drosophila 9359R-2 , 18102R-2 , DGRC#110692 , DGRC#110807 , DGRC#112001 , DGRC#130610 , DGRC#109838 , DGRC#109822 Spectraplakin Shot Maintains Perinuclear Microtubule Organization in Drosophila Polyploid Cells.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int 14-3-3εa directs the pulsatile transport of basal factors toward the apical domain for lumen growth in tubulogenesis.
Drosophila 2534R-2 AIP1 and cofilin ensure a resistance to tissue tension and promote directional cell rearrangement.
Mice RBRC02370 Microglia increases the proliferation of retinal precursor cells during postnatal development.
Drosophila Stratum recruits Rab8 at Golgi exit sites to regulate the basolateral sorting of Notch and Sanpodo.
C.elegans tm2363 , tm3138 INF2- and FHOD-related formins promote ovulation in the somatic gonad of C. elegans.
Human and Animal Cells HS-SY-II(RCB2231) Antimitotic and Non-mitotic Effects of Eribulin Mesilate in Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
DNA material pUAST-PKC53E-EGFP (RDB15213) , pUAST-IKKe-GFP (RDB15216) , pUAST-IKKe-IRES-mKO (RDB15217) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-myc (RDB15219) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-GFP (RDB15220) , pUAST-IKKe[K41A]-IRES-mKO (RDB15221). IKKε inhibits PKC to promote Fascin-dependent actin bundling.
DNA material pEF-T7-mouse Slac2-c (RDB15096) , pEF-FLAG-mouse myosin Va BR-tail (Brain type) (RDB15284) , pEF-FLAG-mouse myosin Va MC-tail (Melanocyte type) (RDB15285) , pEF-FLAG-mouse myosin VIIa-tail (RDB15287). Slac2-c (synaptotagmin-like protein homologue lacking C2 domains-c), a novel linker protein that interacts with Rab27, myosin Va/VIIa, and actin.