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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Tip cell-specific requirement for an atypical Gpr124- and Reck-dependent Wnt/β-catenin pathway during brain angiogenesis.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda06259 AtCYT-INV1, a neutral invertase, is involved in osmotic stress-induced inhibition on lateral root growth in Arabidopsis.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME9995 , ME9996 The yliA, -B, -C, and -D genes of Escherichia coli K-12 encode a novel glutathione importer with an ATP-binding cassette.
Drosophila DGRC#115636 Knock-in mutagenesis in Drosophila Rdl underscores the critical role of the conserved M3 glycine in mediating the actions of broflanilide and isocycloseram on GABA receptors.
Drosophila DGRC#119104 , DGRC#119105 , DGRC#119107 , DGRC#119108 , DGRC#119109 , DGRC#119110 Miranda directs Prospero to a daughter cell during Drosophila asymmetric divisions.
Algae NIES-2238 UV mutagenesis improves growth potential of green algae in a green algae-yeast co-culture system.
Yeast BYP7431 Intrinsic base substitution patterns in diverse species reveal links to cancer and metabolism.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME10055 New method for gene disruption in Salmonella typhimurium: construction and characterization of an ada-deletion derivative of Salmonella typhimurium TA1535.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME10045 , ME10046 , ME10047 Specific disruption of samAB genes in a 60-megadalton cryptic plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium.
Zebrafish HGn39D, SAGFF(LF)202A, UAS:GFP, UAS:GCaMP7a Systemic loss of Sarm1 protects Schwann cells from chemotoxicity by delaying axon degeneration.
C.elegans tm2417 Molecular basis for PICS-mediated piRNA biogenesis and cell division.
Mice RBRC00897 Cell Cycle-Mediated Regulation of Secondary Ig Diversification.
DNA material SPOON/pcDNA3 (RDB19863) Spontaneously Blinking Fluorescent Protein for Simple Single Laser Super-Resolution Live Cell Imaging.
DNA material Sirius/pcDNA3 (RDB19875) An ultramarine fluorescent protein with increased photostability and pH insensitivity.
DNA material pEGFP-C1-mApg5 (RDB19784) , pEGFP-C1-mApg5(K130R) (RDB19789) Dissection of autophagosome formation using Apg5-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells.
Drosophila DGRC#118825 Genetic analysis of speciation by means of introgression into Drosophila melanogaster.
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS952 , MBS953 , MBS954 , MBS955 , MBS956 Isolation of RNase H genes that are essential for growth of Bacillus subtilis 168.
Human and Animal Cells CHO-K1 Novel pathway of centrosome amplification that does not require DNA lesions.
General Microbes JCM17495 Iron acquisition system of Sphingobium sp. strain SYK-6, a degrader of lignin-derived aromatic compounds.
Zebrafish Tg(dbx1b:GFP) Distinct requirements for Wntless in habenular development.