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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells MCF7(RCB1904) , HeLa Arf GTPase-Activating proteins ADAP1 and ARAP1 regulate incorporation of CD63 in multivesicular bodies.
Mice RBRC03456 LXN deficiency regulates cytoskeleton remodelling by promoting proteolytic cleavage of Filamin A in vascular endothelial cells.
Mice RBRC06344 Single-cell multiregion dissection of Alzheimer's disease.
Mice RBRC06343 Suppression of the amyloidogenic metabolism of APP and the accumulation of Aβ by alcadein α in the brain during aging.
Human and Animal Cells HuCCT1(RCB1960) BEX2 is required for maintaining dormant cancer stem cell in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Drosophila DGRC#119121 Asymmetric segregation of the homeodomain protein Prospero during Drosophila development.
Drosophila DGRC#119106 miranda localizes staufen and prospero asymmetrically in mitotic neuroblasts and epithelial cells in early Drosophila embryogenesis.
Silkworms p55 fruitless is sex-differentially spliced and is important for the courtship behavior and development of silkmoth Bombyx mori.
DNA material EGFP-hEFA6A (RDB20108) , EGFP-hEFA6B (RDB20109) , EGFP-hEFA6C (RDB20110) EFA6 activates Arf6 and participates in its targeting to the Flemming body during cytokinesis.
C.elegans tm3773 Repulsive guidance molecule acts in axon branching in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2143 Wnt signaling establishes the microtubule polarity in neurons through regulation of Kinesin-13.
C.elegans tm4909 The cellular modifier MOAG-4/SERF drives amyloid formation through charge complementation.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Identification of a dopaminergic enhancer indicates complexity in vertebrate dopamine neuron phenotype specification.
Drosophila Convergence of secretory, endosomal, and autophagic routes in trans-Golgi-associated lysosomes.
Drosophila DGRC118935 , DGRC118936 , DGRC118937 , DGRC118938 The Matrix Proteins Hasp and Hig Exhibit Segregated Distribution within Synaptic Clefts and Play Distinct Roles in Synaptogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells U251(RCB0461) Expression of alpha-synuclein in a human glioma cell line and its up-regulation by interleukin-1beta.
Human and Animal Cells PC-12(RCB0009) Molecular Mechanism for PACAP 38-Induced Neurite Outgrowth in PC12 Cells.
Drosophila DGRC#111100 , DGRC#104055 chinmo-mutant spermatogonial stem cells cause mitotic drive by evicting non-mutant neighbors from the niche.
Drosophila DGRC#112830 Glial-secreted Netrins regulate Robo1/Rac1-Cdc42 signaling threshold levels during Drosophila asymmetric neural stem/progenitor cell division.
Drosophila Fruitless and doublesex coordinate to generate male-specific neurons that can initiate courtship.