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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#112830 Glial-secreted Netrins regulate Robo1/Rac1-Cdc42 signaling threshold levels during Drosophila asymmetric neural stem/progenitor cell division.
C.elegans tm4024 , tm807 The MADD-3 LAMMER Kinase Interacts with a p38 MAP Kinase Pathway to Regulate the Display of the EVA-1 Guidance Receptor in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2438 Flavin monooxygenases regulate Caenorhabditis elegans axon guidance and growth cone protrusion with UNC-6/Netrin signaling and Rac GTPases.
C.elegans tm1909 Glia initiate brain assembly through noncanonical Chimaerin-Furin axon guidance in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm3797 , tm4519 , tm5039 , tm5189 , tm5256 , tm6465 The ENU-3 protein family members function in the Wnt pathway parallel to UNC-6/Netrin to promote motor neuron axon outgrowth in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1422 A Wnt-planar polarity pathway instructs neurite branching by restricting F-actin assembly through endosomal signaling.
C.elegans tm974 The lin-4 microRNA targets the LIN-14 transcription factor to inhibit netrin-mediated axon attraction.
C.elegans tm494 , tm2557 Synaptic vesicle clustering requires a distinct MIG-10/Lamellipodin isoform and ABI-1 downstream from Netrin.
C.elegans tm1949 , tm1950 Netrin instructs synaptic vesicle clustering through Rac GTPase, MIG-10, and the actin cytoskeleton.
C.elegans tm2850 mls-2 and vab-3 Control glia development, hlh-17/Olig expression and glia-dependent neurite extension in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1950 Serotonergic neurosecretory synapse targeting is controlled by netrin-releasing guidepost neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm4519 , tm5504 ENU-3 functions in an UNC-6/netrin dependent pathway parallel to UNC-40/DCC/frazzled for outgrowth and guidance of the touch receptor neurons in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm734 , tm472 , tm588 , tm3208 , tm3006 A network of HSPG core proteins and HS modifying enzymes regulates netrin-dependent guidance of D-type motor neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm324 Kinesin-1 acts with netrin and DCC to maintain sensory neuron position in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2482 IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway of the unfolded protein response is required for properly localizing neuronal UNC-6/Netrin for axon guidance in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm307 C. elegans slit acts in midline, dorsal-ventral, and anterior-posterior guidance via the SAX-3/Robo receptor.
C.elegans tm595 , tm2051 Glypican Is a Modulator of Netrin-Mediated Axon Guidance.
Human and Animal Cells UV♀2(RCB1994) Netrin-4 derived from murine vascular endothelial cells inhibits osteoclast differentiation in vitro and prevents bone loss in vivo.
Drosophila Localized netrins act as positional cues to control layer-specific targeting of photoreceptor axons in Drosophila.
C.elegans abi-1(tm494) MIG-10 functions with ABI-1 to mediate the UNC-6 and SLT-1 axon guidance signaling pathways.