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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm4844 , tm5004 , tm2252 , tm1358 , tm1301 Distinct regions of the intrinsically disordered protein MUT-16 mediate assembly of a small RNA amplification complex and promote phase separation of Mutator foci.
C.elegans tm1155 , tm2528 , tm1860 GTSF-1 is required for formation of a functional RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase complex in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1200 RdRP-synthesized antisense ribosomal siRNAs silence pre-rRNA via the nuclear RNAi pathway.
DNA material pUC-mdv-alphal180-mutL2 (RDB15410) Combinatorial selection for replicable RNA by Qβ replicase while maintaining encoded gene function.
C.elegans tm894 , tm914 , tm1120 , tm1637 , tm887 , tm1019 , tm1144 , tm1860 , tm1195 Sequential rounds of RNA-dependent RNA transcription drive endogenous small-RNA biogenesis in the ERGO-1/Argonaute pathway.
C.elegans tm892 , tm1599 EGO-1, a C. elegans RdRP, modulates gene expression via production of mRNA-templated short antisense RNAs.
C.elegans tm2528 , tm1361 , tm1329 Tudor domain ERI-5 tethers an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to DCR-1 to potentiate endo-RNAi.
C.elegans tm1887 , tm1716 , tm1917 C. elegans rrf-1 mutations maintain RNAi efficiency in the soma in addition to the germline.
Human and Animal Cells RK13(RCB0183) Fine mapping of the subunit binding sites of influenza virus RNA polymerase.
Drosophila Champetieres (DGRC#103403) Drosophila A virus is an unusual RNA virus with a T=3 icosahedral core and permuted RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
C.elegans tm872 A Caenorhabditis elegans RNA-directed RNA polymerase in sperm development and endogenous RNA interference.
DNA material pBMSA-PB2 (RDB01969) Crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of the RNA primer/promoter-binding domain of influenza A virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase PB2.