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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells 409B2(HPS0076) Engineering human hepato-biliary-pancreatic organoids from pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells ZHBTc4(AES0136) Pontin functions as an essential coactivator for Oct4-dependent lincRNA expression in mouse embryonic stem cells.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells pAxCAEGFP-Fwt (RDB03943) , AxCAEGFP-F/RGD (RDB03010) , 201B7(HPS0063) Optimization of adenoviral gene transfer in human pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells UCB408E6E7TERT-33(RCB2080) Umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells consist of a unique population of progenitors co-expressing mesenchymal stem cell and neuronal markers capable of instantaneous neuronal differentiation.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Podocalyxin is a glycoprotein ligand of the human pluripotent stem cell-specific probe rBC2LCN.
Human and Animal Cells iPS-MEF-Ng-20D-17(APS0001) , MC3T3-G2/PA6(RCB1127) Neural differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells using cadherin gene-engineered PA6 feeder cells.
Human and Animal Cells 454E2(HPS0077) Xeno-free and feeder-free culture and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells on recombinant vitronectin-grafted hydrogels.
Mice RBRC00209 De Novo DNA Methylation at Imprinted Loci during Reprogramming into Naive and Primed Pluripotency.
DNA material Rat BAC RNB1 (RDB06273) RNB1-261M04 Generation of pluripotent stem cell-derived mouse kidneys in Sall1-targeted anephric rats.
Rats Rat BAC clone RNB1-261M04 Generation of pluripotent stem cell-derived mouse kidneys in Sall1-targeted anephric rats.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) CD200 facilitates the isolation of corneal epithelial cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells E14tg2a(AES0135) Activin A in combination with ERK1/2 MAPK pathway inhibition sustains propagation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells 253G1(HPS0002) , 201B7(HPS0063) Enrichment of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocyte-Like Cells by Ammonia Treatment.
Human and Animal Cells 454E2(HPS0077) , HiPS-RIKEN-2A(HPS0009) Reproducible preparation of spheroids of pancreatic hormone positive cells from human iPS cells: An in vitro study.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Higher-Order Kidney Organogenesis from Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Medaka TG870 Tg(olvas-GFP) Diethylnitrosamine-induced expression of germline-specific genes and pluripotency factors, including vasa and oct4, in medaka somatic cells.
Human and Animal Cells 253G1(HPS0002) Nano-on-micro fibrous extracellular matrices for scalable expansion of human ES/iPS cells.
C.elegans tm1905 , tm1200 The SET-2/SET1 histone H3K4 methyltransferase maintains pluripotency in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline.
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) , 253G1(HPS0002) Microencapsulation of dopamine neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Human and Animal Cells EBRTcH3(AES0054) A shRNA functional screen reveals Nme6 and Nme7 are crucial for embryonic stem cell renewal.