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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Schizosaccharomyces / genetics*)
Species Resource Title
Yeast pTN-L1 Translational activators and mitoribosomal isoforms cooperate to mediate mRNA-specific translation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondria.
Yeast Maintenance of meiotic crossover against reduced double-strand break formation in fission yeast lacking histone H2A.Z.
Yeast FY38487 , FY38488 , FY38489 , FY38490 , FY38491 , FY38492 , FY38493 , FY38494 , FY38495 , FY38496 A toolbox of stable integration vectors in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast A Brief History of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Research: A Perspective Over the Past 70 Years.
Yeast FY16937 (yFS286) Mating response and construction of heterothallic strains of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces octosporus.
Yeast FYP2026(pDQ105) Module-based systematic construction of plasmids for episomal gene expression in fission yeast.
Yeast FYP3968 A scaffold lncRNA shapes the mitosis to meiosis switch.
Yeast FY9118 RNA-binding protein Mub1 and the nuclear RNA exosome act to fine-tune environmental stress response.
Yeast FY18675 (972) Complete sequences of Schizosaccharomyces pombe subtelomeres reveal multiple patterns of genome variation.
Yeast FY24018 Extension of chronological lifespan in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FY24018 Genes affecting the extension of chronological lifespan in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast).
Yeast FY11064(MY3141) , FY10067(MY2167) Expression of the cancer-associated DNA polymerase ε P286R in fission yeast leads to translesion synthesis polymerase dependent hypermutation and defective DNA replication.
Yeast FY21846 (mug14) Expression of Mug14 is regulated by the transcription factor Rst2 through the cAMP-dependent protein kinase pathway in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00008 Crosstalk between H2A variant-specific modifications impacts vital cell functions.
Yeast Meikin synergizes with shugoshin to protect cohesin Rec8 during meiosis I.
Yeast FYP4222 , FYP4223 , FYP4224 , FYP4225 , FYP4226 , FYP4227 , FYP4228 , FYP4229 , FYP4230 , FYP4231 Heterochromatin suppresses gross chromosomal rearrangements at centromeres by repressing Tfs1/TFIIS-dependent transcription.
Yeast FY9118 System-wide analyses of the fission yeast poly(A)+ RNA interactome reveal insights into organization and function of RNA-protein complexes.
Yeast The nuclear pore primes recombination-dependent DNA synthesis at arrested forks by promoting SUMO removal.
Yeast Tripartite suppression of fission yeast TORC1 signaling by the GATOR1-Sea3 complex, the TSC complex, and Gcn2 kinase.
Yeast Lem2 and Lnp1 maintain the membrane boundary between the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum.