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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells LK-2(RCB1970) Proximity Labeling and Proteomics: Get to Know Neighbors.
Clawed frogs / Newts Xenopus tropicalis Intravital staining to detect mineralization in Xenopus tropicalis during and after metamorphosis.
Human and Animal Cells OST(RCB0454) Human osteosarcoma (OST) induces mouse reactive bone formation in xenograft system.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa.S3(RCB1525) Filter trapping protocol to detect aggregated proteins in human cell lines.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpd00105 Gene trapping in Arabidopsis reveals genes involved in vascular development.
DNA material pENTR4-H1 (RDB04395) Regulation of alkaline ceramidase activity by the c-Src-mediated pathway.
Human and Animal Cells 10T1/2(RCB0247) Lithium chloride enhances cathepsin H expression and BMP-4 degradation in C3H10T1/2 cells.
Human and Animal Cells F5-5.fl(RCB0560) DBA Lectin Binds to Highly Proliferative Mouse Erythroleukemia Cells.
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) Functional changes induced by chronic UVA irradiation to cultured human dermal fibroblasts.
Zebrafish Tg(vglut2a:lRl-GFP) Pretectal neurons control hunting behaviour.
Drosophila Protocols for Visualizing Steroidogenic Organs and Their Interactive Organs with Immunostaining in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster.
Silkworms BmN4 cell Inhibitory role of the Bm8 protein in the propagation of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus.
General Microbes JCM 10111 , JCM 10112 , JCM 10110 Structural elucidation of Tsukamurella pulmonis neutral polysaccharide and its visualization in infected mouse tissues by specific monoclonal antibodies.
General Microbes JCM 1131 , JCM 1185 Culture Supernatants of Lactobacillus gasseri and L. crispatus Inhibit Candida albicans Biofilm Formation and Adhesion to HeLa Cells.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes sja05800 SENSITIVE TO PROTON RHIZOTOXICITY1, CALMODULIN BINDING TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATOR2, and other transcription factors are involved in ALUMINUM-ACTIVATED MALATE TRANSPORTER1 expression.
C.elegans tm3555 Microtubule-dependent ribosome localization in C. elegans neurons.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP) Embryonic zebrafish primary cell culture for transfection and live cellular and subcellular imaging.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) , HeLa/Fucci2(RCB2867) Live imaging reveals the dynamics and regulation of mitochondrial nucleoids during the cell cycle in Fucci2-HeLa cells.
DNA material CALR-mCherry-KDEL (RDB15152) , PDIA3-mCherry-KDEL (RDB15153) , ENPL-mCherry-KDEL (RDB15154) , PPIA-mCherry (RDB15155) , ARF4-mCherry (RDB15156) , mCherry-EF1A1 (RDB15157) , mCherry-RAB1A (RDB15158) , mCherry-LC3B (RDB15159). A conditional proteomics approach to identify proteins involved in zinc homeostasis.
Pathogenic microorganisms NA Usefulness of Fungiflora Y to detect fungus in a frozen section of allergic mucin.