• 22 Hits
  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Dendrites / ultrastructure)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
線虫 tm1962 Neuron tracing and quantitative analyses of dendritic architecture reveal symmetrical three-way-junctions and phenotypes of git-1 in C. elegans.
線虫 tm2143 Wnt signaling establishes the microtubule polarity in neurons through regulation of Kinesin-13.
ショウジョウバエ Prd1 associates with the clathrin adaptor α-Adaptin and the kinesin-3 Imac/Unc-104 to govern dendrite pruning in Drosophila.
実験動物マウス RBRC00806 Methods for Imaging Autophagosome Dynamics in Primary Neurons.
線虫 tm729 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase δ Mediates the Sema3A-Induced Cortical Basal Dendritic Arborization through the Activation of Fyn Tyrosine Kinase.
ヒト・動物細胞 Axon- or dendrite-predominant outgrowth induced by constituents from Ashwagandha.
ショウジョウバエ DGRC#106754 Local endocytosis triggers dendritic thinning and pruning in Drosophila sensory neurons.
ショウジョウバエ Compartmentalized calcium transients trigger dendrite pruning in Drosophila sensory neurons.
ショウジョウバエ An evolutionarily conserved protein CHORD regulates scaling of dendritic arbors with body size.
ショウジョウバエ DGRC#109613 Polarity and intracellular compartmentalization of Drosophila neurons.
ショウジョウバエ 11820R-1 Drosophila PQBP1 regulates learning acquisition at projection neurons in aversive olfactory conditioning.
ショウジョウバエ High-resolution in vivo imaging of regenerating dendrites of Drosophila sensory neurons during metamorphosis: local filopodial degeneration and heterotypic dendrite-dendrite contacts.
実験動物マウス RBRC04885 Quantitative regional and ultrastructural localization of the Ca(v)2.3 subunit of R-type calcium channel in mouse brain.
カイコ Neurons associated with the flip-flop activity in the lateral accessory lobe and ventral protocerebrum of the silkworm moth brain.
ショウジョウバエ 7293R-1 Directed microtubule growth, +TIPs, and kinesin-2 are required for uniform microtubule polarity in dendrites.
実験動物マウス RBRC00188 Progressive Purkinje cell degeneration in tambaleante mutant mice is a consequence of a missense mutation in HERC1 E3 ubiquitin ligase.
ショウジョウバエ Potential dual molecular interaction of the Drosophila 7-pass transmembrane cadherin Flamingo in dendritic morphogenesis.
ゼブラフィッシュ Islet-1 or HuC constructs Relationship of tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin immunoreactivity to sensorimotor circuitry in larval zebrafish.
線虫 tm324 , tm920 , tm375 , tm394 General and cell-type specific mechanisms target TRPP2/PKD-2 to cilia.
ラット Ultrastructural features of hippocampal CA1 synapses with respect to synaptic enhancement following repeated PKA activation.