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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC06344 Single-cell multiregion dissection of Alzheimer's disease.
DNA material pGEX-shootin1b (RDB19937) , pCMV-myc-shootin1b (RDB19938) Shootin1b Mediates a Mechanical Clutch to Produce Force for Neuronal Migration.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMPHS Optic tectal superficial interneurons detect motion in larval zebrafish.
DNA material pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-Gf-WPRE (RDB19470) , pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-G-WPRE (RDB19471) , pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-Y-WPRE (RDB19472) , pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-B-WPRE (RDB19473) , pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-R-WPRE (RDB19474) Rational Engineering of XCaMPs, a Multicolor GECI Suite for In Vivo Imaging of Complex Brain Circuit Dynamics.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(glyt2:lRl-GFP) , Tg(dbx1b:Cre) Hierarchical control of locomotion by distinct types of spinal V2a interneurons in zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP) Zebrafish In Situ Spinal Cord Preparation for Electrophysiological Recordings from Spinal Sensory and Motor Neurons.
C.elegans tm2411 , tm3028 , tm501 Behavioral choice between conflicting alternatives is regulated by a receptor guanylyl cyclase, GCY-28, and a receptor tyrosine kinase, SCD-2, in AIA interneurons of Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm494 , tm2557 Synaptic vesicle clustering requires a distinct MIG-10/Lamellipodin isoform and ABI-1 downstream from Netrin.
C.elegans tm1880 The C. elegans male exercises directional control during mating through cholinergic regulation of sex-shared command interneurons.
C.elegans tm1552 The Caenorhabditis elegans interneuron ALA is (also) a high-threshold mechanosensor.
C.elegans tm3612 Notch-dependent induction of left/right asymmetry in C. elegans interneurons and motoneurons.
C.elegans tm753 , tm2364 Concentration memory-dependent synaptic plasticity of a taste circuit regulates salt concentration chemotaxis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Zebrafish Tg(isl1:GFP)/rw0 Serotonin Promotes Development and Regeneration of Spinal Motor Neurons in Zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vglut2a:lRl-GFP) , Tg(dbx1b:Cre) Motor neurons control locomotor circuit function retrogradely via gap junctions.
Japanese macaques Contribution of parvalbumin and somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons to slow oscillations and the balance in beta-gamma oscillations across cortical layers.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vsx1:GFP) The role of inab in axon morphology of an identified zebrafish motoneuron.
Zebrafish Tg[dbx1b:GFP] , Tg(vglut2a:loxP-DsRed-loxP-GFP) , Tg(chx10:GFP) A structural and functional ground plan for neurons in the hindbrain of zebrafish.
Drosophila snpf-Gal4 (NP6301 , DGRC#105193 or DGRC#113901) Multiple neuropeptides in the Drosophila antennal lobe suggest complex modulatory circuits.
Drosophila Fruitless specifies sexually dimorphic neural circuitry in the Drosophila brain.
Silkworms NA Offset response of the olfactory projection neurons in the moth antennal lobe.