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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#106098 Dopamine, sleep, and neuronal excitability modulate amyloid-β-mediated forgetting in Drosophila.
Drosophila CAS0002 Magnesium efflux from Drosophila Kenyon cells is critical for normal and diet-enhanced long-term memory.
Drosophila 3878R-3 , DGRC#130390 Rpd3/CoRest-mediated activity-dependent transcription regulates the flexibility in memory updating in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#108846 A neural mechanism for deprivation state-specific expression of relevant memories in Drosophila.
Drosophila 5894R-3 Drosophila Middle-Term Memory: Amnesiac is Required for PKA Activation in the Mushroom Bodies, a Function Modulated by Neprilysin 1.
Mice RBRC01834 Glucocorticoid receptor-mediated amygdalar metaplasticity underlies adaptive modulation of fear memory by stress.
Drosophila DGRC#113066 , DGRC#105062 Independent Contributions of Discrete Dopaminergic Circuits to Cellular Plasticity, Memory Strength, and Valence in Drosophila.
Drosophila 3423R-2 , GFP-IR-1 , DGRC#104219 , DGRC#114140 , DGRC#105377 Stromalin Constrains Memory Acquisition by Developmentally Limiting Synaptic Vesicle Pool Size.
Drosophila Two Parallel Pathways Assign Opposing Odor Valences during Drosophila Memory Formation.
C.elegans tm3036 , tm501 Multiple Signaling Pathways Coordinately Regulate Forgetting of Olfactory Adaptation through Control of Sensory Responses in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Japanese macaques Conversion of object identity to object-general semantic value in the primate temporal cortex.
Drosophila 9774R-3 Drk-mediated signaling to Rho kinase is required for anesthesia-resistant memory in Drosophila.
Japanese macaques Correlation between Pupil Size and Subjective Passage of Time in Non-Human Primates.
Drosophila Two Components of Aversive Memory in Drosophila, Anesthesia-Sensitive and Anesthesia-Resistant Memory, Require Distinct Domains Within the Rgk1 Small GTPase.
Drosophila Convergence of multimodal sensory pathways to the mushroom body calyx in Drosophila melanogaster.
Drosophila 9565-R1 Drosophila Neprilysins Are Involved in Middle-Term and Long-Term Memory.
C.elegans tm501 Insulin signaling and dietary restriction differentially influence the decline of learning and memory with age.
Drosophila DGRC#113334 MiR-980 Is a Memory Suppressor MicroRNA that Regulates the Autism-Susceptibility Gene A2bp1.
Drosophila NP2758 (DGRC#104313) , NP7323 (DGRC#105426) , NP0242 (DGRC#112107) , NP5272 (DGRC#113659) , NP2297 (DGRC#112868) , NP2583 (DGRC#112976) , NP3212 (DGRC#113160) , NP2397 (DGRC#112912) , NP7177 (DGRC#114122) , NP2119 (DGRC#104096) , ... Dissecting neural pathways for forgetting in Drosophila olfactory aversive memory.
Drosophila DGRC#103496 L1CAM/Neuroglian controls the axon-axon interactions establishing layered and lobular mushroom body architecture.