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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM 17581 , JCM 1395 , JCM 13470 , JCM 1200 , JCM 1275 , JCM 1254 Utilization of dietary mixed-linkage β-glucans by the Firmicute Blautia producta.
General Microbes JCM1190 , JCM1649 , JCM1132 Different effects of soybean protein and its derived peptides on the growth and metabolism of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis JCM 1190.
General Microbes JCM2120 , JCM8129 , JCM8608 , JCM8677 , JCM20024 , JCM1163 , JCM20315 Molecular Routes to Specific Identification of the Lactobacillus Casei Group at the Species, Subspecies and Strain Level.
General Microbes JCM17312 Plasmid-encoded glycosyltransferase operon is responsible for exopolysaccharide production, cell aggregation, and bile resistance in a probiotic strain, Lactobacillus brevis KB290.
General Microbes JCM5805 The Effects of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell-Stimulative Lactic Acid Bacteria, Lactococcus lactis Strain Plasma, on Exercise-Induced Fatigue and Recovery via Immunomodulatory Action.
General Microbes JCM5705 , JCM5175 , JCM8525 , JCM8532 , JCM8577 Effects of Lactobacillus salivarius WB21 combined with green tea catechins on dental caries, periodontitis, and oral malodor.
General Microbes JCM17312 Relation between cell-bound exopolysaccharide production via plasmid-encoded genes and rugose colony morphology in the probiotic Lactobacillus brevis KB290.
General Microbes JCM 5805 Effects of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis JCM5805 on colonization dynamics of gut microbiota and regulation of immunity in early ontogenetic stages of tilapia.
General Microbes JCM 1131, JCM 1192, JCM 1222 Lipoteichoic acids are embedded in cell walls during logarithmic phase, but exposed on membrane vesicles in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1131T.
General Microbes JCM 1149 , JCM 20300 Anti-Infective Effect of Adhesive Probiotic Lactobacillus in Fish is Correlated With Their Spatial Distribution in the Intestinal Tissue.
General Microbes JCM 1254 The first crystal structure of a family 129 glycoside hydrolase from a probiotic bacterium reveals critical residues and metal cofactors.
General Microbes JCM 1132 , JCM 1059 , JCM 1173 , JCM 1131 , JCM 2012 , JCM 1134 , JCM 1558 , JCM 1149 , JCM 1112 Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of non-living, heat-killed form of lactobacilli including Lactobacillus johnsonii No.1088.
General Microbes JCM 5818 Lactobacillus kefiri shows inter-strain variations in the amino acid sequence of the S-layer proteins.
General Microbes JCM 5820 , JCM 7031 Lysozyme in breast milk is a selection factor for bifidobacterial colonisation in the infant intestine.
General Microbes JCM 1269 Identification and quantification of viable Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult in human faeces by using strain-specific primers and propidium monoazide.
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) Transcriptional response of Lactobacillus acidophilus L-92 after attachment to epithelial Caco-2 cells.
Algae NIES-2145 The phytoplankton Nannochloropsis oculata enhances the ability of Roseobacter clade bacteria to inhibit the growth of fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum.
Human and Animal Cells GCIY(RCB0555) Bifidobacterium bifidum BF-1 suppresses Helicobacter pylori-induced genes in human epithelial cells.
Human and Animal Cells GCIY(RCB0555) Effect of Bifidobacterium bifidum fermented milk on Helicobacter pylori and serum pepsinogen levels in humans.
General Microbes JCM 7041 A TLR2 ligand suppresses allergic inflammatory reactions by acting directly on mast cells.