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Species Resource Title
Yeast Negative regulation of APC/C activation by MAPK-mediated attenuation of Cdc20Slp1 under stress.
Yeast Rapamycin Abrogates Aggregation of Human α-Synuclein Expressed in Fission Yeast via an Autophagy-Independent Mechanism.
Yeast FY29033 Evolutionary Modes of wtf Meiotic Driver Genes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FYP6242–FYP6246 An improved tetracycline-inducible expression system for fission yeast.
Yeast 3,3'-Diindolylmethane disrupts the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast Cytoplasmic fluidization contributes to breaking spore dormancy in fission yeast.
Yeast FY21033 The Hsp90 cochaperone TTT promotes cotranslational maturation of PIKKs prior to complex assembly.
Yeast Wild-type S. pombe ARC039 SpMnn9p and SpAnp1p form a protein complex involved in mannan synthesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast Kinesin-6 Klp9 orchestrates spindle elongation by regulating microtubule sliding and growth.
Yeast GFP-Adf1:ura+ strain The F-BAR Cdc15 promotes contractile ring formation through the direct recruitment of the formin Cdc12.
Yeast FY18665 Environmental control of Pub1 (NEDD4 family E3 ligase) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is regulated by TORC2 and Gsk3.
Yeast FYP3968 A scaffold lncRNA shapes the mitosis to meiosis switch.
Yeast Klp2 and Ase1 synergize to maintain meiotic spindle stability during metaphase I.
Yeast ARC039 (h-ura4-C190T leu1-32), FY16936, FY16937, FY21620 Characterization of N- and O-linked galactosylated oligosaccharides from fission yeast species.
Yeast pAL-KS , pAU-KS The fission yeast gmn2+ gene encodes an ERD1 homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for protein glycosylation and retention of luminal endoplasmic reticulum proteins.
Yeast FY13012(TK7) RecQ DNA Helicase Rqh1 Promotes Rad3ATR Kinase Signaling in the DNA Replication Checkpoint Pathway of Fission Yeast.
Yeast FY7455 , FY17186 , FY29360 3,3'-Diindolylmethane induces apoptosis and autophagy in fission yeast.
Yeast FY20781, FY13783 Chiasmata and the kinetochore component Dam1 are crucial for elimination of erroneous chromosome attachments and centromere oscillation at meiosis I.
Yeast The fission yeast S-phase cyclin Cig2 can drive mitosis.
Yeast Stress-dependent inhibition of polarized cell growth through unbalancing the GEF/GAP regulation of Cdc42.