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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Wheat AND Resource = KU-2059)
Species Resource Title
Wheat KU-2012 , KU-2025 , KU-2059 , KU-2075 , KU-2159 , KU-138 Global gene expression profiling related to temperature-sensitive growth abnormalities in interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii.
Wheat LPGKU2272(Langdon) , KU-2059 , KU-2109 Line differences in Cor/Lea and fructan biosynthesis-related gene transcript accumulation are related to distinct freezing tolerance levels in synthetic wheat hexaploids.
Wheat LPGKU2272(Langdon) , KU-2059 , KU-2078 , KU-2126 , KU-2159 , KU-20-1 , KU-2111 , KU-2069 Accelerated senescence and enhanced disease resistance in hybrid chlorosis lines derived from interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii.
Wheat KU-101-3 , KU-8001 , KU-3620 , KU-199-5 , KU-199- 8 , KU-199-9 , KU-199-11 , KU-199-16 , KU-2059 , KU-2828 Comparison of gene expression profiles and responses to zinc chloride among inter- and intraspecific hybrids with growth abnormalities in wheat and its relatives.
Wheat KU-2113 , KU-2115 , KU-2116 , KU-2120 , KU-2121 , KU-2131 , KU-2132 , KU-2133 , KU-2136 , KU-2137 , ... Intraspecific lineage divergence and its association with reproductive trait change during species range expansion in central Eurasian wild wheat Aegilops tauschii Coss. (Poaceae).
Wheat KU-2059 , KU-2027 , KU-2811 , KU-2816 , KU-20-1 , KU-2829A , KU-2076 , KU-2078 , KU-2093 , KU-2126 , ... Variation in dehydration tolerance, ABA sensitivity and related gene expression patterns in D-genome progenitor and synthetic hexaploid wheat lines.
Wheat KU-2010 , KU-2016 , KU-2022 , KU-2025 , KU-2027 , KU-20281 , KU-2032 , KU-2042 , KU-2043 , KU-2056 , ... Population structure of wild wheat D-genome progenitor Aegilops tauschii Coss.: implications for intraspecific lineage diversification and evolution of common wheat.
Wheat KU-2022 , KU-2059 , KU-2810 , KU-2811 , KU-2814 , KU-2816 , KU-2824 , KU-2829 , KU-2069 , KU-2074 , ... Distinct genetic regulation of flowering time and grain-filling period based on empirical study of D genome diversity in synthetic hexaploid wheat lines.
Wheat KU-2010 , KU-2012 , KU-2016 , KU-2018 , KU-2022 , KU-2025 , KU-2027 , KU-2028 , KU-2032 , KU-2035 , ... Identification of a large deletion in the first intron of the Vrn-D1 locus, associated with loss of vernalization requirement in wild wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii Coss.
Wheat KU-2022 , KU-2059 , KU-2810 , KU-2811 , KU-2814 , KU-2816 , KU-2824 , KU-2069 , KU-2074 , KU-2075 , ... Variation in abscisic acid responsiveness of Aegilops tauschii and hexaploid wheat synthetics due to the D-genome diversity.
Wheat KU-2059 , KU-2025 , KU-2075 , KU-2828 , KU-2159 , KU-2012 , KU-2145 Autoimmune response and repression of mitotic cell division occur in inter-specific crosses between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii Coss. that show low temperature-induced hybrid necrosis.
Wheat KU-2022 , KU-2059 , KU-2069 , KU-2025 , KU-2110 , KU-8736A , KU-138 Dysfunction of mitotic cell division at shoot apices triggered severe growth abortion in interspecific hybrids between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii.