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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Caenorhabditis elegans / embryology)
Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm892 , tm1184 , tm1155 , tm1019 Two isoforms of the essential C. elegans Argonaute CSR-1 differentially regulate sperm and oocyte fertility.
C.elegans tm1200 , tm872 , tm1231 , tm1489 , tm876 Germ granule dysfunction is a hallmark and mirror of Piwi mutant sterility.
C.elegans tm3198 , tm1496 The RNA phosphatase PIR-1 regulates endogenous small RNA pathways in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1400 , tm1620 , tm1200 Gametes deficient for Pot1 telomere binding proteins alter levels of telomeric foci for multiple generations.
C.elegans The type II integral ER membrane protein VAP-B homolog in C. elegans is cleaved to release the N-terminal MSP domain to signal non-cell-autonomously.
C.elegans tm1094 C. elegans aversive olfactory learning generates diverse intergenerational effects.
C.elegans tm1502 PLK-1 promotes the merger of the parental genome into a single nucleus by triggering lamina disassembly.
C.elegans tm4063 PQM-1 controls hypoxic survival via regulation of lipid metabolism.
C.elegans tm2056 RhoGAP RGA-8 supports morphogenesis in C. elegans by polarizing epithelia.
C.elegans tm314 , tm581 Combinatorial Action of Temporally Segregated Transcription Factors.
C.elegans tm1200 Cysteine synthases CYSL-1 and CYSL-2 mediate C. elegans heritable adaptation to P. vranovensis infection.
C.elegans tm403 , tm1962 The plakin domain of C. elegans VAB-10/plectin acts as a hub in a mechanotransduction pathway to promote morphogenesis.
C.elegans tm1200 , tm1019 , tm892 P Granules Protect RNA Interference Genes from Silencing by piRNAs.
C.elegans tm1802 A developmental gene regulatory network for C. elegans anchor cell invasion.
C.elegans tm4536 The exocyst complex and Rab5 are required for abscission by localizing ESCRT III subunits to the cytokinetic bridge.
C.elegans tm4063 A terminal selector prevents a Hox transcriptional switch to safeguard motor neuron identity throughout life.
C.elegans tm376 Mitochondrial Perturbations Couple mTORC2 to Autophagy in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm920 , tm1892 , tm1125 , tm592 , tm2241 Function and regulation of the Caenorhabditis elegans Rab32 family member GLO-1 in lysosome-related organelle biogenesis.
C.elegans tm1738 , tm2966 , tm2819 Distinct Roles of Two Histone Methyltransferases in Transmitting H3K36me3-Based Epigenetic Memory Across Generations in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm3489 , tm5755 , tm2423 , tm847 , tm2253 Autophagy mediates phosphatidylserine exposure and phagosome degradation during apoptosis through specific functions of GABARAP/LGG-1 and LC3/LGG-2.