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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#119121 Asymmetric segregation of the homeodomain protein Prospero during Drosophila development.
Drosophila 10001Ab-1 Distinct roles for Argonaute proteins in small RNA-directed RNA cleavage pathways.
Drosophila DGRC#109822 Correct regionalization of a tissue primordium is essential for coordinated morphogenesis.
Drosophila Interlocked feedforward loops control cell-type-specific Rhodopsin expression in the Drosophila eye.
Drosophila A novel homeobox gene mediates the Dpp signal to establish functional specificity within target cells.
Drosophila DGRC#110658 A corset function of exoskeletal ECM promotes body elongation in Drosophila.
Drosophila A truncated form of a transcription factor Mamo activates vasa in Drosophila embryos.
Drosophila DGRC#109088 , DGRC#109089 , DGRC#109090 , DGRC#109091 Two receptor tyrosine phosphatases dictate the depth of axonal stabilizing layer in the visual system.
Drosophila Different modes of APC/C activation control growth and neuron-glia interaction in the developing Drosophila eye.
Drosophila A nanobody-based toolset to investigate the role of protein localization and dispersal in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#110962 , DGRC#110951 RNA Interference Screening for Genes Regulating Drosophila Muscle Morphogenesis.
Drosophila In Vivo Calcium Signaling during Synaptic Refinement at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction.
Drosophila Geometry can provide long-range mechanical guidance for embryogenesis.
Drosophila The Glide/Gcm fate determinant controls initiation of collective cell migration by regulating Frazzled.
Drosophila Studying Nonproliferative Roles for Egfr Signaling in Tissue Morphogenesis Using Dorsal Closure of the Drosophila Embryo.
Drosophila The transcription factor Dysfusion promotes fold and joint morphogenesis through regulation of Rho1.
Drosophila breathless, a Drosophila FGF receptor homolog, is essential for migration of tracheal and specific midline glial cells.
Drosophila Transcriptional regulation of breathless FGF receptor gene by binding of TRACHEALESS/dARNT heterodimers to three central midline elements in Drosophila developing trachea.
Drosophila Multipotent versus differentiated cell fate selection in the developing Drosophila airways.
Drosophila 5055R-2 , 17697R-2 Meru couples planar cell polarity with apical-basal polarity during asymmetric cell division.