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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm1896 INX-18 and INX-19 play distinct roles in electrical synapses that modulate aversive behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2146 Reciprocal modulation of 5-HT and octopamine regulates pumping via feedforward and feedback circuits in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1117 Neurohormonal signaling via a sulfotransferase antagonizes insulin-like signaling to regulate a Caenorhabditis elegans stress response.
Drosophila Mechanism of Acetic Acid Gustatory Repulsion in Drosophila.
Drosophila 8222R-3 , 13780R-1 , 13780R-2 , 13781R-1 Growth Factor Signaling Regulates Mechanical Nociception in Flies and Vertebrates.
Mice RBRC02262 A novel human pain insensitivity disorder caused by a point mutation in ZFHX2.
C.elegans tm2105 , tm2302 , tm3210 Opiates Modulate Noxious Chemical Nociception through a Complex Monoaminergic/Peptidergic Cascade.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Bidirectional communication between sensory neurons and osteoblasts in an in vitro coculture system.
Drosophila Two Components of Aversive Memory in Drosophila, Anesthesia-Sensitive and Anesthesia-Resistant Memory, Require Distinct Domains Within the Rgk1 Small GTPase.
C.elegans tm2416 , tm2001 , tm1907 , tm2308 Two insulin-like peptides antagonistically regulate aversive olfactory learning in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm2484 A seven-transmembrane receptor that mediates avoidance response to dihydrocaffeic acid, a water-soluble repellent in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1996 , tm4393 Analysis of NPR-1 reveals a circuit mechanism for behavioral quiescence in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1325 , tm13325 Serotonergic chemosensory neurons modify the C. elegans immune response by regulating G-protein signaling in epithelial cells.
C.elegans tm1583 , tm1652 Neuropeptide receptors NPR-1 and NPR-2 regulate Caenorhabditis elegans avoidance response to the plant stress hormone methyl salicylate.
Human and Animal Cells Miogadial and miogatrial with alpha,beta-unsaturated 1,4-dialdehyde moieties--novel and potent TRPA1 agonists.
Zebrafish TRPC2: Venus A microfluidic device to sort cells based on dynamic response to a stimulus.